Leo Varadkar

You will

Possibly because in Ireland it’s exponentially more difficult, if not impossible, for the lender to actually get back the house used as security.
I’m surprised it’s as cheap as it is tbh.

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That’s the point I made already pal.

That’s more received wisdom. Is it really more difficult in Ireland to the point where the market costs twice as much? I highly doubt it.

What’s actually the biggest difference in Irish mortgage market? Lack of competition.

Open the market to allow a couple of big European banks provide mortgages at whatever rate they see fit and watch mortgage rates from Irish banks snap back to meet them.

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Remember you had a dossier of European firms who were gagging to enter the Irish market and we’re being denied by a shady cabal.

its incredibly difficult to get a repossession in ireland. the order is easy enought, but the aftermath is hugely time consuming and expensive

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I suppose they just wave a magic wand and it’s hey presto the asset is repossessed all across Europe?

no, but they dont have the same constitutional quagmire and shenanihans pertaining to it that we do.

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Even rich cunts like the O’Donnells in Gorse Hill have a rentamob trying to frustrate evictions.

you wouldnt see that type of carry on in france, spain or belgium. the cunts wouldve been out on their ear in under a year

It absolutely is

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Can I ask, what comparative evidence do you have of this from what other European markets?

ECB president Mario Draghi said the higher mortgage rates are down to the fact the State has a “quasi-monopoly” banking market that is “not competitive”.

AIB and Bank of Ireland control about 60 per cent of the Republic’s mortgage market, not helped by the retreat of boom times banks like Bank of Scotland (Ireland) and Danske Bank.

“If the Government can take action to reduce the degree [of] the presence of a monopoly, that would be welcome,” Mr Draghi said at the time.

You’ll find Draghi’s quotes here

amongst a plethora of reasons. The headline being enforcing security and the Capital requirements as a result of the financial crisis

A fine slogan for some repossession company


Hard to believe with all the hatred for Leo that he didn’t make it to the big final all the same

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It’s a black mark against the site he didn’t make final. The smoothie stunt alone

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A shocking attack on freedom

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It was terrorism plain and simple

It was. I’m glad he’s okay.