Leo Varadkar

You have a gun with one bullet, what do you do?


Club them both?

Glue the backs of their heads together and put it one of their mouths.


Reported for homophobic content

The major difference in the Irish market as opposed to the rest of Europe is the lack of competition.

Who do we hear from that the repossession process is too onerous? Banks and lawyers?

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Buy a bottle of vodka. Weā€™re fucked anyway

We are an outlier because we took a decision as a nation to allow downtrodden working class folk such as Twink, Pamela Flood and Brian Oā€™Donnell to go years without paying their mortgages. Itā€™s a policy tolerated and promoted by those left of centre, as it ensures genuine hard cases arenā€™t dealt with as harshly as elsewhere. It also suits government as it ensures social cohesion as those crying wolf about a tsunami of repossessions have been proven utterly wrong for about 10 years and counting. From the banksā€™ perspective they are under pressure to reduce their NPL and have packaged up bad loans for sale to vulture funds.

The ā€˜processā€™ is onerous because you have to be completely taking the piss to trigger a court ordered repossession. Any token cooperation with the bank keeps you in situ. Therefore rates are priced to reflect the increased risk of non payment and there has been no influx of foreign lenders into the market to capture the supposed free lunch. HBOS lost their shirt when the entered the market and KBC stand out as a rare example of a foreign lender that made an effort to establish themselves in Ireland and did ok.


O Connor has actually become much less cuntish since having the child with down syndrome. Sometimes it takes a life changing event like that or a bit of life experience to give a fella a bit of perspective and stop being such a cunt

Heā€™s an utter cunt.


I wanted to OIUTF in December, but itā€™s very Trumpian of Martin and Varadkar to consistently say they followed NPHET advice in doing so when NPHET didnā€™t recommend it at all. Theyā€™ve basically created their own version of events, which is contrary to the facts, and have been repeating it since 1 January when challenged in interviews and at press conferences. Varadkar has been at it repeatedly in the last couple of days across various different interviews.


You get that for most of the past decade banks havenā€™t wanted to repossess because they would have lost money, right?

Do you also understand that the government having just about gotten the banks recapitalised and in a position where we can offload the stateā€™s stake in them, donā€™t particularly want to allow competitors into the market to undercut Irish banks just now?

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Banks have lost money be selling to vulture funds at a haircut so they are losing anyway. The banks have been adequately capitalised for some time, amongst the best capitalised in Europe, largely because their capital requirements are based off stress tests that are benchmarked against the losses from the last financial crisis. As Ireland suffered a worse crash than peer countries itā€™s capital requirements are higher which affects their cost base.

Government missed the boat on the opportunity to offload the stakes in the Irish banks as share prices in AIB and BOI have collapsed by 65% in the last 5 years vs 8% for EU Financials as a whole. It seems strange that monopolistic institutions with a free lunch that are price gouging and earning supernormal profits are being shunned by investors.


Is there anything preventing foreign banks/entities entering the market if itā€™s so attractive?

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Leo the leak


Ht the park says Leo

Breaking more lockdown rules from Leo The Lawbreaker.

I hope the cunt gets mowed down by a truck driven by a poor person


He did it earlier on newstalk evening show. Im surprised Tony hasnā€™t rebutted it.

A bin lorry would be nice

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Tonyā€™s keeping a low profile these days because he had two jobs contact tracing and Increasing ICU capacity and failed miserably to deliver on either