Leo Varadkar

The general public donā€™t seem to mind and the Irish media donā€™t seem to want to go after ther Irish man of the year.

I warned tfk at the start of all this half the country were insanely in love with him and wanted to have his babies, if anything the insanity has only gotten worse


Central bank approval.

Have they refused firms? Under what criteria?

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I recall reading a few years ago that the Ireland was essentially dragging itā€™s feet on it, for the reasons outlined above.

Avantcard announced last year they are entering the Irish mortgage market and Irish lenders responded to the announcement with immediate rate cuts.

If we get a few more operators in the market our rates will come down to close to the European average very quickly.


Iā€™m sure you can produce said article


ICS. Cheap mortgages.

Those weirdos in Avant money only doing loans for houses in Dublin Cork or Waterford.

Youll get nowhere on here with actual facts and real world knowledge.


At the risk of sounding cantankerous, I made the mistake of watching that video of Leo talking about healthy January and now I am annoyed.

There is a moment when Leo says, ā€œReduce alcohol intake - we all have to do it.ā€ Not counting my massive illegal drug-fuelled Covid party on Achill, my entire alcohol intake for December was limited to 2 glasses of wine. That was 2 glasses at dinner with a friend and one glass of wine with Christmas dinner. In the month if January I think Iā€™ve had a total if a half bottle of wine, which was spread out over a week or so.

I am a very moderate drinker (Covid parties excluded). Why do I have to reduce my alcohol intake? Itā€™s already close to nothing. This man, Leo Varadkar, has never met me. He knows nothing about my life. I strongly suspect that he doesnā€™t care about my life. Yet here he is, telling me that I must reduce my alcohol intake for January. Why just January? I have no doubt that there are plenty of Irish people who are alcoholics but I am not one of them. If an English man gave a message like that to all Irish people, that every Irish person needs to drink less they would be accused of stereotyping or even racism.

And if I try to avoid this kind of content RTE and the national media will try and pressure me into watching it again. The forces of the national media and establishment will try to peer pressure me into following every government announcement and all the daily news. I will be made to feel strange or like I am failing somehow for not watching this all regularly. These people want to find a way to come into my house to lecture at me and control my behaviour, even when Iā€™m inside.

This annoys me.

Thank you for listening to my rant. As ever you have been very patient with me and I appreciate it.


Tell us more about the party in

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You sure?

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@Batigol had that amount polished off by noon on Christmas Day

Leo is Frank Underwood. He would throw his Ma under a train for the slightest political gain.


Obviously made up.

Harris is the story here. He stood up in Dail and said there was no issue with Leoā€™s leak in the confidence motion. The information was already out there. Heā€™s a a sniveling little toad


Theyā€™re all snivelling little toads ted.


ā€œIā€™m so much better than youā€

Reminds me of this

What party was WT of? Remind me?