Leo Varadkar

So you concede there is a clear and obvious double standards at RTE where they serve to protect the interests of FFG?

No dude, I never said that. I told you how the weekend newsrooms works as an explanation for something that seemed of concern to you.

Use that information as you will.

He needs to go lads. What are we going to do?

So then explain why RTE have been so giddy to report negative stories on SF that they regularly run these stories without having their facts right.

And contrast that with FFG. This is nothing to do with a Sunday. When the story broke on Varadkar back in Oct/Nov they held off on reporting on it for nearly a full day until Varadkar had released a statement. That was on a Saturday.

Can you explain that?

I’m not in editorial meetings so wouldn’t idly speculate on how you perceived the news coverage. I definitely don’t think I can give you thr closure on this concern that you seek.

I would suggest you contact them with a query or complaint in relation to this. I think its complaints@rte.ie

The Week In Politics just started there and not a word about the Varadkar’s criminal investigation. Jesus wept.

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I heard he made a phone call earlier warning them. Are we going to stand for this?

Fucking RTÉ bastards

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You won’t read about that in the mainstream media.

They won’t want to prejudice an on-going investigation. It’s the usual go to comment for cunts.

I bet it’ll be taken down in a few minutes, some poor cunt about to be sacked too

You have done enough idle speculation when it comes to defending RTE.

Brendan O Connor panel going through the newspapers didn’t mention it. Newstalk panel brought on blue Hugh who said he hasn’t been found guilty of anything and said when Gerry Adam’s was arrested in 2014 nobody in SF called for him to stand aside. He then made the point that what they have been accused of is miles apart.
Nothing to see here essentially and it killed Hugh to have to even report it was the vibe he gave off.

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They’ve buried that in plain sight.

25 minutes in and eventually they bring it up

Informative post.

Heather Humphries looks like she’s reading a hostage statement

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Even the way RTE carefully worded it…

“The Garda investigation has been upgraded from an initial scoping exercise.”

It’s a criminal investigation into the second highest ranking politician in the country FFS.

“It wasn’t blokes in tracksuits that ruined the country, it was blokes in suits.” Fucking brilliant line, so much in it, it should be come back to again and again.


Amusing to see IRA/SF types getting so worked up about the possibility of a politician been the subject of a potential criminal investigation.

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