Leo Varadkar

Awww didums is upset.

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So apt when we hear about davys


Leo will be sweating today

Iā€™m not upset about it at all. Itā€™s the IRA/SF who donā€™t seem to understand how a criminal justice system operates in a functioning democracy and the strict reporting restrictions that apply in commenting on any potential case the subject of a DPP review, that are getting all hot and bothered.

Get a hanky you big baby.

Your are very selective in what potential criminal investigations you get outraged about. Have you got around to condemning McKevitt and the other Omagh scumbag murderers or are you still cheerleading for them?

Keep on topic

You are now going about making false accusations against me.

Very Trumpian of you.

Nasty post

A textbook ā€˜look over there itā€™s Sinn Feinā€™ post. The only surprise is that it took till lunchtime to arrive


It has been reported that a file has been sent to the DPP. There is never any media comment on the ins and outs of any case the subject of a DPP review. The reasoning for that is perfectly sound, in case such comment jeopardises the right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence in the event of the DPP deciding to prosecute.

Yet the IRA/SF shrills are on screeching as to why this matter isnā€™t getting dissected all over the airwaves this morning.

Wait til heā€™s cleared for the screeching :joy::joy:

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ā€œTough on crimeā€ :grinning::grinning:.


The Law and Order Party :rofl::rofl:. Meehole may need to consider the future viability of this coalition. Fianna Fail canā€™t risk having their good name sullied by association with these gangsters.

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Blue Hugh is not happy

A bad week for the blueshirts.

This isnā€™t good for FF.

Leo is a cunt and people who may have been tempted to vote for FG at the last election but hated him voted FF.

Coveney would be a far better leader and more liked so it could turn out to be a pure battle between FG and SF at the next election with FF being the biggest loser.

It would be great to see Leo getting fucked out on his ear.

Coveney is wooden, long winded and a bore. Perceived as a snob as well with his Cork Merchant Prince background.

Coveney is a really boring bastard