Leo Varadkar

Just this once.

Worse still

@binkybarnes hounded poor Leo out of the job. Bad form . In a lot of cases Leo spoke it as he lived it, a man of privilege from Caslteknock , which drove some lads fookin demented .


I very much doubt it but that isnā€™t going to stop a lot of people baselessly claiming there is, and then claiming they were proved right after being proved wrong.

Thatā€™s the way it goes now.

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Nice to see Leo march off triumphantly into the sunset. He got us through some tough times.

Will we see his likes again? We should be so lucky. Lucky. Lucky. Luckly.


He wonā€™t now get the chance to dust off Fianna Failā€™s old election slogan ā€œBetter the devil you knowā€.

Thereā€™ll be tears on the pillow.

Iā€™m engaging with a source on this but itā€™s very vague. Feel free to bookmark this post and refer back to it in a few months if nothing develops. Iā€™ll hold my hands up if thatā€™s the case

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Heā€™s done Kiely a favour by hogging the news.

The globalist conspiracy theorists are putting this down to the US/Israeli axis of evil forcing him to step aside for publicly supporting the people of Gaza.

I did the state some service.


Heā€™s after getting very pudgy around the cheeks. Might be a medical issue

I already told the forum there are heath issues at play here.

He got abortion and the gays over the line. Canā€™t fault him for that, despite the queasy tribe he affiliated himself with.

Whatā€™s the word on the street lads?

ā€¢ scandal will break in future

ā€¢ mental health issues

Id say he just cant be arsed anymore. He did genuinely look a bit fucked off and upset. I doubt thereā€™s any more scandal than has already been and none of them seemed to touch him.


Health issues

And housing


Despite all his condescension, contempt for the plain people of ireland and cronyism, if his last act as taoiseach was to go to Washington and speak eloquently and unequivocally about the palestinians, then Iā€™ll have to shake his hand and wish him all the best. How many European leaders have spoken out?
All the best Leo. Ye bollix.


Renault topping up his salary?