Leo Varadkar

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everyone i knew was questioning WTF the taoiseach was doing on that show. RTE shouldnt have facilitated that nor should they have facilitated leo on DWTS

Much like the media you’re holding Sinn Fein to different standards than FF/FG

I dont guess why people do what they do. I can only speak for myself … the letter was unbecoming of a head of government and it wouldnt have mattered if it Gareth Brooks or Kylie … it was total cringe.

Outrageous .

Even though Simon Coveney is a thousand times more posh than Leo Varadkar or Eoghan Murphy, rural posh is more acceptable than D4 posh


ah here, even though simon went to CWC, the poshness was beaten out of him at gurteen. leo and murphy stayed consistently posh

On government in the North I’m holding them to exactly the standards. SF have continually made excuse after excuse during their time in government in the North. Every avoidable death or piece of hardship suffered by patients in the health service is one too many but yes, it is a completely different standard to calculated acts of murder. As regards health itself there’s a cigarette paper between every party this time because of Slaintecare which is an all party agreement.

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I’m trying to work out what the reaction would be if there was a story that FG had covered up a murder or tried to mitigate a murder committed by one of their associates. Let’s just say the reaction would be very different, very different indeed, compared to the reaction of SF supporters to the Paul Quinn case.

Agreed. But they also vote and are considered in polls.

You’re a great guy though, mate. I’d never accuse you of those charges.

Coveney is Bill Cooper.


Thanks, bro.

So you’re comparing Sinn Fein in govt in the north where they have no control over funding to Fine Gael down here where they have pretty much total control? That’s not really a like with like comparison.

Aren’t the Coveneys from a long line of old money rich merchants or something

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Eoghan Murphy’s grandfather must have been rich after he fleeced Gay Byrne and Hugh Leonard that time.

At the risk of sounding like Kev, I know them and yes

That’s not true. They have control on allocation.

Also funny how you give them a free pass on restrictions on what they can and can’t spend.

Fine Gael became Government when the State was restricted by the IMF and EU on what we could spend. You don’t give them a free pass for that though.

Comparing apples and oranges again Tim. They have no control over the budget they’re given.

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Yes they do. And they can choose to spend money where they like.

Fine Gael were completely restricted by the IMF and EU, you don’t give them a pass.