Leo Varadkar

It’s amazing they were able to sort it in a week. Pity they didn’t show similar urgency for the previous 10 years. Maybe they would have had a better election if they did.

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So all world leaders saw this coming earlier but just didn’t order up until Leo & Simon?

Who knows pal. With all the lies and spin it’s impossible to tell.

Idle cunts stopped playing the system my dim friend.

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I know, I just didn’t expect so many of them to be coming from you

That’s literally an abomination.

So 20 years of bed shortages was caused by idle cunts pretending they were sick . Who would of thunk it?

Only a dope smoking blueshirt with a low IQ.

for a first attempt it’s pretty good.

They are all hiding at home until Corona fucks off and well you know it.

GP’s can’t refer them to A&E’s now.

Kinda like Cash bringing her little herd in to sleep in a cop shop job.

Good spar here boys. Catch you on this thread again tomorrow.


Harris reminds me of Ted in the episode of Fr Ted when the plane is going down and he just turns into Mr Cool in the midst of all the panic around him. Now, I hope Harris doesn’t suffer a similar fate when he eventually goes for a nap. I’d say the guy hasn’t slept in week but he’s doing well

You’d have to say that whatever government is formed needs to keep Leo as Taoiseach and Harris in Health until we see the back of this at least

I have had the misfortune of needing to attend A&E on quite a few occasions in recent years. Once as a patient and several times with sick parents. Nobody in their right mind would put themselves through the ordeal unless they had no where else to go. The vast majority of patients are genuinely sick and would prefer to be anywhere else if they could afford it. None of these are “scamming the system” as you put it.

Blueshirts like yourself always look to blame all societies ills on spongers, scammers and travellers.


I think a new GE will be needed immediately after this settles down.


All fg vs sf left v right point scoring (you can usually tell it when posters use the word ‘lads’ in their posts) aside it has been pointed out on a few podcasts I’ve listened to that it’s going to be tough for the likes of fg and the tories to ever say ‘we don’t have the money’, for things like housing, education, special needs services etc in the future seeing as they are literally producing billions out of their respective holes at the drop of a hat during this crisis.


If you’re not a card carrying rabib blueshirt it is your fault.

Looks like their may be a magic money tree after all.

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Had both my mother & aunt through hospitals over the past 3 years. Both passed away.

Both were serious issues which saw them get beds immediately. Both were treated brilliantly.

Sometimes it’s about priorities you simpleton, those who need those beds get them.

It’s truly amazing no one seems to need that bed in the current climate? No one wants near a hospital it seems or the GP.

I’m no Blueshirt either, mate. I just live in the real world.

Keeping a bit of spare money around for worst case scenarios isn’t a bad thing

“Bed shortages” due to so many people having a free Medical Card and clogging up A&Es.

If most of these people who aren’t overcrowding A&Es really needed to be there we’d be seeing lots of untimely deaths right now.

The medical card was given en masse as a welfare state goodie i.e. an initiative of the caring left.


I’m sorry about your mother and aunt.

Those who need the beds should get them and in your mother and aunts case thankfully they did. But what about when their are no beds for people that need them? That is where we have been for much of the last 20 years.

If you’re not a blueshirt you do a really good impression of one.