Leo Varadkar

Nope, thereā€™s fiscal space due to the strong performance of the economy and some (not enough in my view) prudence by the outgoing government.

Letā€™s see some Party manifestos where they actually have to grasp that we are going to go into deficit now to pay for this.

What is a blueshirt?

The reason for trolleys being full generally is because any ailment for a person with a medical card means they head straight to A&E.

Average Joe soap gets charged ā‚¬100 per visit so generally makes sure heā€™s in need.

Think about it. Itā€™s truly amazing that the demand for beds has disappeared this past few weeks, eh?

Why are our A&Es empty right now? Theyā€™ve been that way for a fortnight. Any evidence of calamitous repercussions?

By all accounts FF think Martin should come in :joy:

Completely agreed

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About the equivalent of ā‚¬15 billion extra per year with the current measures. Thatā€™s possible for a short-term fix but is fairly tasty to be baked into current spending each year

The bill from this period will be eye-watering


The thing is that the whole world will by an large have this bill

Doesnā€™t help us

Sorry to hear that Harry, condolences

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So @Thomas_Brady thinks Leo should be doing more but wouldnā€™t skip walking his dog for a few weeks even though he was infectious. Am I up to date?

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Yeah, which is good. My point is Iā€™m not sure itā€™s the basis for a long-term solution unless matching tax-raising goes with it.

No one heads straight to A & E unless they absolutely have to because itā€™s a horrendous experience for everyone involved. A medical card just means you get the horrendous experience for free.

A & E depts are relatively quiet now because hospitals have cancelled all elective surgeries and all non essential treatments. Hence the bed bottle neck at A&E has been eased. Nothing to do with spongers or travellers


No. Youā€™re way offā€¦

FF are the largest party in the Dail and have shown themselves incapable of leading and putting a coalition together.

Thereā€™s a centre-right wing majority in the Dail, thereā€™s not a left-wing majority in the Dail but FF still canā€™t put a coalition together.

One factor is definitely that Doctors are inclined to send people to A&E to err on the side of caution (and who could blame them) but obviously it has to be absolutely necessary now

Simon and Leo couldnā€™t manage a thing for 8 years in power but a few good speeches and visible hard work has all the simpletons fooled into thinking theyā€™re great.


Apparently the reason there is no one on trolleys in Limerick is because they have 100 extra beds at the moment due to elective surgeries being cancelled in the short term. So the people are still coming, itā€™s just now they have somewhere to put them.


Thanks for clearing that up. Easily the most plausible explanation Iā€™ve heard.

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Yes, not a thing in 8 years except full employment and a booming economy