Leo Varadkar

And handling the shit show handed to them by the previous regime.


Yes, Enda was a disgrace

And 24% of the voters agree with you

I didnā€™t vote for FG but what I said is an indisputable fact

The list of failures and ineptness far outweighs any of that.

Iā€™d imagine thatā€™s the sticking point at the moment. For the good of the country , he should leave it to Leo

Thank fuck we had FG at the helm when this hit. If it was next year and SF IRA were in government thereā€™d be no money to buy any Ppe.

Iā€™d imagine so pal

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Why are they going swimming during this crisis ffs sake?

The right-wing headcases on this forum could sort them out there. Do them the world of good to take off the goggles for a while.

Fuck sake their European head quarters are in Dublin how can we be running out of Googleā€™s?

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Our numbers are the best in the world.

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SF IRA will be seething.

Itā€™ll be something else when Tubs recovers and he has Leo, mr Harris and dr Tony on. The seethe will go through the roof.

When all this blows over. Leo should tell Meehawl to go fuck himself & go back to the country.


Micheal Martin will be regretting not doing business with SF now.

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FF have vanishedā€¦ Something must be brewing.

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Heā€™d be Taoiseach and leading us along the exact same path. Heā€™d have Mary Lou on his shoulder nodding along.

Leo & FG would have been rendered redundant & an irrelevance.

FF just canā€™t get in done in the box so to speak.