Leo Varadkar

Theyā€™re backed into a corner now and donā€™t know how to get out of it

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Leo is back working as a doctor

Cc @Thomas_Brady

Leo, Leo , Leo

Mary Lou will be seething


Letā€™s hope heā€™s a better doctor than politician.

Heā€™s delivered a socialist paradise.

More fuckin spin. Standby for some ER quotes


Thatā€™s actually probably a little irresponsible, heā€™s running the country ffs.

Heā€™s either one or the other ā€“

Itā€™s a measure of the man tbh.


To be fair if he invented the cure for the virus you wouldnā€™t give him any credit, youā€™re being extremely childish about this.


Shocking that some people attempted to bully our leader into this. We need our general marshalling the troops away from the front line. Itā€™s a measure of the man, but itā€™s poor advice.

Itā€™s a shame he doesnā€™t spend a few bob on advisors.

Call an election now

All I said was heā€™s either one or the other.

If someone else invents a cure for it Leoā€™s spin team will give Leo the credit anyway.

Iā€™d rather him keep an eye on the country being honest.

@Thomas_Brady was calling for this ten days ago and now Leo has called his bluff he is against it


Has he relinquished political office to go on the front line? Yes or no will suffice

Do you seriously think he will be on the front line doing intubations?

Heā€™s far more likely to be making the tea for those on the front lines.


I know that, mateā€¦ Itā€™s the Flushirts you need to tell that to.