Leo Varadkar

It’s called homophobia

I won’t believe this is anything but a concannon concoction til I see Leo donning the same dodgy PPE that the real frontliners are stuck with

Retract that.

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Not all heroes wear capes. Leo, Leo, Leo. This man never fails to inspire. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. This is the best country in the world.


Any idea where he will slot in? GPs and specialists all over the country are sitting idle… I presume he’ll be top of the frontline.

Fuck off for yourself :grinning:

That’s a disgusting slur and probably more to do with your IQ than anything else.

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I’d be as thick as a plank of wood.

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Im crying here, Sinn Fein take lives, Leo saves them, but guess who the money tree brigade vote for


Mary Lou Lah trying to make political points. Dr Leo saving lives.



Point scoring about this

How unedifying

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So, is Coveney running the country?

His first instinct, as usual, was to tag me so he could try and claim a little internet victory… That’s the Flushirts all out…

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For one hour a week

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Fantastic stuff by @Thomas_Brady and the grassroots Sinn Féin INTERNET cell. They’ve played Varadkar like a fiddle here. Totally played up to his supersized ego by calling him out and he fell for it. Even the flushirts on here think he’s made an ass of himself and should be focused on running the country. Will he be known as DR Varadkar or PR Varadkar? Well played TB. :clap::+1:

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Id even stopped politicizing it here, but we struck so close to home the Flushirts had to come on the offensive with the latest bit of PR. Of course, they’ll play it like it’s a mere coincidence this news breaks after Leo has had a sustained period of negative commentary online… Bless their innocence

Leo Varadkar should be running the country


I’ll be voting for Fine Gael Next time just to wind up people on here.