Leo Varadkar


21 from Covid 19. 158 in total so far. We’re doing as well if not better than any other western democracy at this and lads are still fucking seething because it’s Leo and FG at the helm.


165 wha?

You’re a disgusting fuck.

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:roll_eyes: God help us. You obviously graduated from the Sinn Fein/IRA school of fake news journalism.


Leo Leo leo. A frontline leader in a time of crisis

Where you getting this number binky?

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The anti FG lads are like sausages in a pan that Leo is going to use his medical training to help out a little. It’s fascinating to watch them call somebody volunteering medical experience and expertise a cunt and a sociopath.


While murderers and child molesters are their heroes.


I meant to say 165 in total. My point still stands. This is absolute bullshit carry on and anybody who can’t see it for what it is needs their head examined.


Still fake news.

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Mary lie hiding under the bed with a pain in her tummy looking for another test, whilst real politicians are stepping up to the plate

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You know it’s bullshit as well as I do.

Who is Siegfried Muresan?

A wise man. A Romanian MEP

There are 165 people dead from the virus. Lots more are going to die. Our fake Taoiseach putting on scrubs for a photo op is an insult to those people.

No there are not. You’re a liar.

It’s a gesture. A symbol. If you are calling for people to step forward and do their bit and you are a doctor and do likewise it is powerful. Your avatar knew the importance of symbolism.

Your hatred of Leo is blinding you to it.

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@binkybarnes going on about sociopaths and the lads who run SF went around bombing their own people. You couldn’t make it up


A small cog in the European Parliament wheelhouse.