Leo Varadkar

He will distract the people who are genuinely there to save lives

On the phone?


No surprise to see the Blueshirts taking shelter behind the Siegfried line.


Oh, I must have blacked out there, I forgot where I was and thought you were being serious.

Carry on so.

Heā€™s a doctor. Itā€™s not like Mary Lou volunteering.

Sure didnā€™t Pearse Doherty tweet his wife was gone back nursing and SF IRA retweeted it.


Even if he only did some phone screenings heā€™d be contributing. Fair fucks to him I say.

Iā€™m grand and calm. Just settling into Ozarks S3 with a crisp White. I am genuinely flabbergasted that normally intelligent posters here (not you @gaillimhmick) cannot see this for what it is. Leo has lots of previous for cynical spin. Even by his standards this is in poor taste.


Are you sure youre not mixing it up with the number of homeless people outside the five a side pitch in raheny?

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Gonna record myself singing Irelandā€™s call especially for Leo

I wish him well.

You donā€™t seem calm is all.

He was being damned for not helping out, and is now being damned for helping out. Look, your mind on his is made up, and thats grand. I just dont see the need to get constantly work up over this. Its a good gesture, if he makes any positive contribution its worth doing.

No matter what he did the shinnerbots would whinge.

Iā€™ve no interest in this getting into a political party to and fro. He is our Taoiseach and heā€™s giving up his time to help out in a National Crisis, when he could easily have swerved it and continued to do as he was doing.

I think its a good gesture, some will say its a PR exercise, but as weā€™ve seen on here, its unlikely to change the minds of many people regardless.

I hope it helps out in some way. It may even prove a boost for our health workers. Everything is welcome at his point in time.

I think its a great gesture. I presume its not gonna lead to photo ops of him beside with kids as that would be too much but it gives the impression at least that everyone, bar layabouts, are doing their bit. I heard anecdotally that 16k on the scratcher have applied for the 350 a week and are livid they canā€™t get it.

if it was 800, the shinners would be roaring it should be 970. You canā€™t win with that crowd


Whoā€™ll be filling in for Leo when heā€™s answering phones in eastdoc?

Binky is an oddball to be honest. Heā€™s used the same quip about himself and Sinn FĆ©in being for gay rights when Leo was still ā€œpretending to be straightā€ over and over.

A really odd line from a supposed progressive. Firstly, nobody is obligated to go out and say their sexuality in the first place. Secondly though, it shows an (ironic) ignorance of the stigma of being a homosexual that Varadkar and other members of the LGBT community felt until recently. So what if he pretended to be straight because of the stigma? Binky makes that out to be a bad thing. He probably thinks that Varadkar coming out as gay on the national airwaves and leading many of the ā€œprogressiveā€ movements in the State was attention seeking as well. There is an extra venom out there for gays who do not automatically subscribe to left wing parties and it is quite nasty.


And yet youā€™d never call out cynical spin from SF.

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