Leo Varadkar

Heā€™s always beaten to the punch by the blue shirts.

Sure the ā€œprogressiveā€ feminists and gays over here have been expelling other feminists and gays from LGBT support groups for not being strong enough on transgender rights. If you donā€™t support a biological manā€™s right to compete against women in athletics youā€™re not a proper progressive.

The real progressives are the anti-gays.

Everybody is a fascist except the fascists.


The irony is that had a left-wing person made the post @Tim_Riggins did above @labane1917 would have been castigating them for it.

Spoken from the heart there. You have won me over, people are too entrenched, Leo is doing a great job


Sure you said yourself that millions of Sanders voters were racist.

Thatā€™s correct. Every major presidential candidate in the US ever has had millions of racists vote for them. I didnā€™t however say that anybody who voted for Sanders and wouldnā€™t vote for Biden was racist, which is what you erroneously claimed.

Going back to your post above, I found it interesting that when Kevin Myers made an anti-Semitic comment about Vanessa Feltz, right-wingers all over Ireland were queueing up to defend Myers.

Funny that.

I have two contradictory thoughts.

  1. Varadkar is a living legend. A nice guy, albeit a gimp, with a genuine understanding of leadership and I will always, always respect him for his world class level of bullshit that he has shown today.

  2. Does Varadkar do such little work that he can afford to take a full day off every week and it makes no fucking difference? What the fuck does Varadkar get paid for if he can just take a day off every week and it doesnt matter a fuck? No nurse in this country can afford to take a day off a week, Covid crisis or no Covid crisis and they dont make a fraction of Varadkarā€™s money. Before the crisis hit I was working past 10pm every night and I just didnā€™t have a spare moment in the entire week. What the fuck are we paying these cunts to do? Is Varadkar just sitting in his fucking office, swing around on his big chair all day?! [Dissolves into a bubbling puddle of seeth]

I assume heā€™ll be taking a pay cut and Simon Coveney will be filling in on Tuesdays?

Leo is a cod, taking days off to answer staged phonecalls and paying part time students 350 sheets a week for sitting on their holes smoking weed all day. I thought he was for people who get up early in the morning like us

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Lot of middle management lads are mistaking ops guys for leaders.

Leo is a leader.


Thanks for telling me what I think.

I dislike Leo for lots of reasons but his sexuality is not one of them. I despise his dislike of poor people, his smugness, his arrogance and his bullshit spin typified by todayā€™s cheap stunt in a time of national emergency.

How it it a ā€œcheap stuntā€ if we are calling for a nation effort and so many medical workers are getting sick globally? Itā€™s leading by example.

Varadkar doesnā€™t have kids like other politicians so has more time to do this.

You might like to fashion yourself as that fyi, but your message was belittling someone for feeling the need for being in the closet. A terrible thing to say really.

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Leo is an ops guy, photo ops

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I would say it will be more like this


Ah bless. So you mistakingly claimed that 165 people died in Ireland today from Covid 19, because you misread what was in actual fact the total ICU admissions from the entire crisis and you have the temerity to make such a statement. I rest my case.

I understand while the government know this has been a bit of a fuck up they are not too bothered about it.

The ā‚¬350 payment should ensure there is no one starving over the 12 weeks while itā€™s in place and no social unrest, with mortgage payments deferred and other measures.

They also think those who get it wonā€™t be the type to put it away and save it and will have it spent within a few weeks of the pubs/shops reopening. Helicopter money if you like.


Yes. Iā€™m all for it. The fact it grates with so many is an added bonus. Nice to see the little guy get something back, albeit by default. Cunts giving out about it the most tend to be miserable office types who never got so lucky and are saddled with soul destroying mortgages and the like. Fucking muppets

Leo is playing some blinder. Everyone on twitter is beaming with his leadership. Iā€™ve seen several tweets just reply to this and youā€™ll be blocked if you have a negative spin on him going back working. If thereā€™s a snap election heā€™ll walk it.

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