Leo Varadkar

Can we do a roll call on here of those giving out about it?

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Leo leading by example. It really only seems to be work shy IRA/SF types and homophobes that are carping about it.


Leo has put on a bit of timber since this started. The gym’s closing have freed up a lot of time for him.

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@Thomas_Brady 16/3/2020 - ‘Leo should be out there doing Doctor stuff’

@Thomas_Brady 6/4/2020 - ‘It’s all PR spin. How is he going to run the country while doing this? Mary Lou is the only leader who could double job.’


We all have mate. I’d say the chap hasn’t time to sleep or exercise.

I’m refraining from turning this into a point scoring exercise while people are dying. You can work away but stop tagging me.

Leo has a reputation of being work shy. If he was that busy then he wouldn’t be able to volunteer for a second job. I’d say he put a lot of time in at the gym.

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That’s a serious clamping for @Thomas_Brady. He’s some flip flopper.

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You’re desperate for a bite … you’re as obvious as a sweaty Prince Philip standing outside a school yard.

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You’re a nasty piece of work.

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You’re an awful rogue.

Leo Varadkar is homophobic.

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Is it cool to be that again?

Can u put up the full article?

No that’s @Fagan_ODowd’s job.

Liam knows

Una the activist? Sorry, journalist.