Leo Varadkar

He’s another prick, good family man etc attends our church, good in Europe but as a leader of our country nawwwww, all promises ref homelessness etc quickly forgotten by him vv quickly

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Hate to see a cork man in pole position him and Martin are like choosing clymidia and syphilis.

Fine Gael have certainly lived up to their promises on delivering homelessness. It’s never been higher

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Plenty of decent Cork men minus those 2 ball bags

You’ll see Donnacha OLaoighre at the top table within 10 years

Wear protection vote SF

A more polished Jonathan O’Brien and minus the skanger tattoos.

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Correct, and a nice guy by all accounts, friend of my mate who rated him highly, destined for the top

O Brien didn’t fit the new shinner voters, they expect better, nay demand

Feck all left on the table after Mary Lou sits down I’d say


Without doubt, see a change there soon also, of she doesn’t cut it they’ll shaft her

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Theres an old one to upset the fine gaelers here

Has he ever had a meaningful job outside of politics . A lot of the Shinners seem to be careerist troughers.

College boy OLaoighre, o Brien I don’t think so

That was rooted out by a mate looking for legal papers belogning to his late dad tonight he was a little surprised :+1:,I threw it in to I upset a few pro FF/ FG chaps here, really couldn’t resist, and it was 79 or so

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Are you ok?



Any update on this? Fairly apparent now that we made a hames of it.

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2 innocent children died in that bomb too mate, I wouldn’t be glorifying it