Leo Varadkar

How much longer will the greens put up with all this criminality?

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The planet comes first


Leo’s mate in the whatsapp group when talking about setting up a direct provision centre uses the money bags emoji.

Village doubling down

"Michael Smith, editor of Village magazine, has responded to Mr Varadkar’s statement.

Mr Smith said the NAGP considered that the document was confidential and messages published in Village confirmed this was the view of the NAGP.

Mr Smith added that Fianna Fáil TD Stephen Donnelly, who was an Opposition health spokesman at the time of the agreement was negotiated, told the Dáil on 16 April 2019 that he had been “denied” access to the “detail” of the agreement. "

That’s Blueshirts for you. Refugees that have been through all sorts of trauma looking for shelter in Ireland. Leo and his mates view them purely as a moneymaking opportunity


Paul Murphy

1h, 4 tweets, 1 min read

My Authors

Leo Varadkar’s statement effectively confirms the core factual allegation of @VillageMagIRE story - that he sent the document to the President of the NAGP.

Behind bluster about defamatory is an assertion that there was nothing wrong about it because info was in public domain.

But the document was not in the public domain. A press release about it was in the public domain. That’s a very different thing.

Consider the messages between inner sanctum of NAGP. If they thought it was in the public domain, why did they refer to it as “very confidential”?

His suggestion that he can’t be in breach of Section 7 the Corruption Offences Act 2018 because he didn’t receive any benefit is inaccurate.

It expressly provides that it’s an offence if you use confidential information for the advantage of “any other person.”

Does the Taoiseach accept Varadkar’s explanation? Does Eamon Ryan?

Will time be set aside in the Dail on Tuesday for questions and answers about this?


Looks like a surprise guest will be joining Trump this Tuesday

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The actual document was only made public in mid May.


I see #rtebias are leading with storms, surfers, seals and London lockdown

And even when they cover the story they finish off with “look over there, it’s sinn Fein”


Leo will brazen this out handy enough as Mehole is not in a position to sack him. It’ll be enjoyable watching him squirm for a week anyway


I don’t think this will go away now though. The opposition are going to push this and that’s going to strongarm the media into reporting on it and if the public then get stoked it’s going to become very, very difficult for him to see it out.

It’ll be messy but Mehole can’t bring down the government as FF will get battered in an election. Leo will take a well overdue pummelling but he will survive I think

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If the story gets traction then the public will seek blood and that puts serious pressure on the government.

Nothing to see here, the usual lads getting wound up here over something trivial due to their horn for Leo

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The politix

Varadkar is done,stick a fork in him.

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RTE will be leading news with an alleged fungi sighting in Dingle tomorrow