Leo Varadkar

MM is a plamaser no better than Leo the langer, and each will watch each other’s backs,no difference now between FF and the blue shirts, SF are no great shakes either atm but better than what’s in Leinster house :house: now

FF won’t back him, they fucking hate him.

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They probably tipped off the magazine

Yes but they need the bollox as he’s the next Taoiseach

They will come up some bullshit excuse to keep going.

Very succinct from the SF leader
Id say Mary Lou is happier than the Cavan goalkeeper and Shane O Neill combined tonight.

There can only be one outcome here.

You’ve been calling it from the minute it broke in fairness.

It’s a no brainer. A mans gotta know his limits

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Leo might have to go back working as a doctor again.
For real this time. Those designer shoes and socks won’t pay for themselves.

Can’t imagine the IMO would be looking fondly at his registration.

Ah he’d probably get a job as a first aider in a Direct Provision Centre or something like that

Tony Holohan isnt a man to be challenged it seems.

No forgiveness for that Claire Byrne interview anyway.

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You know a man is up to no good when he spends money on fashion shoes

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Does he think he’s Jackie Tyrrell or something

Leo goes after high powered medics a couple of weeks ago and then this week something medical related trips leo up.

The medics are not a professional group to be trifled with.

I am starting to wonder if LV has had enough of politics .

A bit like a man in a company that starts cut backs to an IT Department …


In fairness, I do believe Leo didnt want to lock us down again,

He’s smart enough to see that its doing more damage than it is good,

Its just a shame he’s not in government.