Leo Varadkar

Leo needs to go here lads

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I donā€™t agree. I think this attacks him at the weakest point. It reaffirms the floating voterā€™s darkest doubts about him. Even if he gets away with it, the optics are awful and heā€™s damaged. Weā€™ve seen behind the PR spin to see how he really operates.

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The cunts in his district will still vote him in.Leo the Blueshirt lifter.

Count 5 he got in on last time as incumbent taoiseach

The homophobes are out tonight I see

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Pure distraction this is really.

The Nphet junta should be the ones in the firing line by right.

Iā€™m no cheerleader of Leo, but this is immaterial really when you consider the lockdowns and the damage theyā€™re doing to the country.


Hopefully if Leo goes heā€™ll bring the whole house of cards down with him including NPHET and Holohan. Itā€™s our only exit strategy


Finally someone gets it.

If you thought Leo was leaking beforeā€¦

If you expect a trial by media it wonā€™t come imho. Iā€™ve no confidence in the Irish media after the last 6 months. The government should fall for this but it wonā€™t leo is the greaseyest cunt going. Slipper than bertie

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Not to mention RTE, The recipients of the NPHET letter


The ditsy lady who said Varadkar was autistic being vindicated here.


Highwaymen donā€™t always wear capes.

Lock him up.

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You fuck with the bull, you get the horns.

Leo the Lyin

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Look over there. Look over there.

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Either this story dies or itā€™s election time

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Or Leo takes one for the team and falls on his sword.

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Time for the return of Big Phil