Leo Varadkar

Yeah right

Re read that

Who would have thought The Village People would bring Varadkar down?

Robbed from Twitter.


You’re pumped bro

It’s Championship day Bro

Are ye going to do it?


Looking at what is being circulated tonight it seems that the OTuthail creep is as big a cunt as Varadker. These people have ruled the roost for too long and the civil service is full of them. Promoted because they are connected to someone or, as in my trade, simply because it is their turn. I honestly can’t abide the bastards and would happily see them all living in tents for their crimes. Except there are no crimes to what they are doing and so they will continue to do as they wish until they are exposed just like Varadker.

It helps also in these circles to be gay also. There is a fella promoted recently from the IRFU who was one of those slugging cans in a park in Dublin with Varadker, a McNamara fella.


What’s being circulated about O’Tuathail, Batt?

Golfgate was an eye opener to the people who move in the same circles, the decision makers. Politicians, judges, journalists et al.

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Nearly the entire FG party has come out to take the heat on Varadkar’s behalf at this stage. If he can make it as far as Trump declaring victory tomorrow night the mejia juggernaut will roll on and it will all be forgotten.

Can you imagine the outcry if it was Pearse Doherty or Mary Lou who leaked private, confidential information


Its a matter of hours you’d feel

Who was responsible for this coming into the public domain do we know? Has to be someone from that whatsapp group I guess since they have all the screenshots.

I think it said one of them was a Whistleblower.

Chay Bowes is named as the whistleblower in the Village piece. Somebody had the link to the full article earlier on this thread or the Fine Gael one. Village website crashed on Saturday so they provided a new link to the article. Bowes was some lad that invested in healthcare start ups, both public and private sector, and he was in talks with the likes of Dr Zero Craic and these NAGP fellas on WhatsApp groups.

Ya . The Army Council would act quick


helen mcenteesent out to bat for leo this morning, goes for a duck


I heard it this morning and thought she did ok. My main takeaway was that Mary Wilson is a fairly poor addition to the Morning Ireland crew. Gavin Jennings would have given McEntee a much tougher interview

Wilson: “No, no, it’s a simple, it is a simple question. A document, you say it was widely circulated, but it was still a confidential document, would you have leaked it in this way? ”

McEntee: “ Well, I think the manner in which it was done could have been done better so if I was in that position, whether I would have done it differently, in terms of how it was delivered but this was a commitment, this was a commitment made to the NAGP. You’ve asked if I’ve ever leaked a document. That’s separate. This was a commitment to the NAGP to try and make sure that they understood what their members were potentially voting on.”

hardly reassuring from the minister for justice