Leo Varadkar

  1. I don’t know why the NAGP are not. @tallback seems to suggest that there was a lot of politics at play in how these things worked. They wouldn’t be the only Unions/representative bodies in this country where deals are done separately or one is separated out. The NBRU would take a very different stance to the other transport unions, for example.

We have seen the impact of these things in the various transport strikes over the years, the recent Bus Éireann one in particular.

There seems to be occasions in the past where the IMO have reached an agreement, with summaries put to the press and where the NAGP took it up and went to the media to bash it.

  1. because they were not an official party to the negotiations. But they were to be “consulted”. The dynamics are clearly weird there and well beyond any one person, don’t you agree?

  2. I didn’t see the WhatsApps/messages like that. Tbf there were a few photoshops of messages going on so maybe one has been constructed. Regardless, the Taoiseach is never going to want it out there, that is obvious ffs

I don’t have an issue if your thing is here that “leaker, he has to go regardless”, but you have been flailing around here for 2 days looking for some sinister motive. First it was the NAGP looking to be seen as “in the know” and connected, then afterwards when it was in fact that they weren’t going to release the name at all, it was sinister for that reason -the contradiction is clear to see. On the face of it, there doesn’t appear to be any sinister motive involved or looking for personal gain (beyond simply the business of Government and getting a deal done), with this being an effort to get around the politics of the IMO/NAGP and get the deal ratified. This is realpolitik, not corruption or someone being sneaky for public profile.

If we are going to force the resignation of politicians for any form of leak then we are not going to have many left. It will also put journalists in an interesting position as they always enjoy the fruits of leaks. You can’t be egging for resignations when that will dry up your sources. Maybe it’s for the best overall and politics overall, I don’t know.

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I know I was shocked. He was saying the Harris was still alive and was back on twitter but sermons yet on how we are all in this together and crushing coronavirus. Was surprised Claire didn’t stop him. :slight_smile:

There is no such thing anymore. You have to have some principle to resign.

You’re defending the indefensible.

It’s great to see you defending the State. A real road to Damascus moment.

I think the Greens should collapse the government if Leo does not step down.

Greens wont collapse the government, they are delighted as this as it takes the focus of O’Gorman and his car crash handling of the mother and Babies homes legislation. This leaking Leo story has probably saved O’Gorman.

Defending the state?

I’m just against self-serving, corrupt narcissists like Varadkar abusing their power.

The guy is an utter cretin and it’s great to have him outed.

He’s fucked here, the defence mustered up by his expensively assembled PR team is powderpuff. He’s in big bother tomorrow, Monty Burns will have to try and intervene tomorrow as the dogs are going to be let loose on him.

It’s great to see you recognise the State and it’s legitimacy.

I don’t. You must have imagined that, Blueshirts have very strange moral applications.

Surely he recognises the State?

Of course he does. He was clear yesterday he did.

The state.

Ah grand. Shur he’d have to, to exist within it.

She’s fucking useless. She was useless on 5-7 live as well.

They should have put her back down the four courts doing courts reports. (I am aware it is only a commercial court now so we would hear fuck all from her).


I never heard her before until that time she made a fool of herself trying to interview Michael O’Leary recently. She really is extremely weak and I’ve no idea how she ended up in such a prestigious position.


It’s RTE. It happens routinely.


Was she the one that Michael O’Leary ruined? He told her he was pro-facemask before NPHET, you can’t put NPHET on a pedestal, etc?

the leaking is a huge problem and to be very honest id be happy for them to end as theres never any investigation by the media as to the “why” of the leak, at this rates most of the leaks are for political reasons or kite flying. that said, id have zero problem with whistleblowing.

take the NPHET letter leak, RTE has questions to answer on that as the “who leaked it” is central to the story.

i was supposing to leos motives but I’m sure village has a lot more in store which will come to the fore after leo finishes answering questions in the dail tomorrow


When two vowels go walking
The first does the talking