Leo Varadkar

Paul Murphy is Robin Hood.

Leo Varadkar is The Sherriff of Nottingham.

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Itā€™s all a pantomime alright.

Nah, Paul Murphy would have to explain to the poor, in a way that was ā€œdigestibleā€ to them, that he wasnā€™t able to steal from the rich because they had used complex shell companies to put their wealth beyond his reach.

ā€œStrategic Advisor to the Director-Generalā€ ā€¦ in an organisation that loses tens of millions a year. Iā€™m sure heā€™s worth every penny!

He needs to go lads

You have been very consistent on this, fair play.

What did he do anyway?

Youā€™d wonder if Leo & Dr Zero Craic were more than just ā€œfriendsā€.

Ah the usual, tried to be a smart cunt and made a hames of it

He has to go. Thereā€™s no room for smartness in Irish politics

I dunno, there has always been plenty of room for nasty cunts.

Plenty of them on TFK too

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Would you?

Will he be gone by next week lads?

  • Yes
  • No

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I think there is more to come from this story. Not sure if the revelations that NAGP were going to campaign against him were it but it wouldnā€™t be wise to play all your cards just yet if you got the scoop. Let him hang himself in the Dail at 4pm today and then release whatever you have then rather than release it before and allow them to spin. The longer you drag it out too the more the position becomes tenuous.

As I alluded to above it would be far wiser to let him speak first and then release the information after for maximum effect.

He has to go

maybe theyre trying to scare him ijnto revealing a lot more at 4pm and then when hes done that deliver a further coup de grace at 6pm


These Village fellas seem like master tacticians

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