Leo Varadkar

Not a whimper out of him on Twitter in the past week. I love the way these twitter *darlings go AWOL once the heat gets turned up. Same with former senator Lorraine Higgins… Not a budge on twitter since golf Gate.



Twas like the the pass of Thermopylae. Leo outnumbered and slaying his foe.


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‘It depends on what you mean’

@artfoley are all Cabinet deliberations subject to absolute confidentially ?


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That could finish Paddy.

Ask Shane Ross.

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:rofl: :rofl:

The right wing steamers won’t like that.


Lads claiming Leo is winning when he is apologising and explaining himself to a mob of Shinners & Socialists. Oh how the mighty have fallen. It’s like the time George Best wound up playing for Cork Celtic.

Where did it all go wrong Georgie?

@binkybarnes is the hotel porter

The country needs to get back on with the affairs of the state now

Trump would be proud of this result :joy:

Shur all 3 options were available

It was a free and fair election and the result is indisputable

Silly cunt

The confidentiality of discussions at meetings of the Government shall be respected in all circumstances save only where the High Court determines that disclosure should be made in respect of a particular matter –

i in the interests of the administration of justice by a Court, or

ii by virtue of an overriding public interest, pursuant to an application in that behalf by a tribunal appointed by the Government or a Minister of the Government on the authority of the Houses of the Oireachtas to inquire into a matter stated by them to be of public importance

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We voted in a referendum in 1997 to make cabinet confidentiality a given and breach of such punishable

Did Paddy make a tweet?

Thanks art - by no means ĂĄ la carte.

Time to move on. Let the healing begin.