Leo Varadkar

That’s text message from the guy he leaked the confidential contract to.

Leaking a confidential contract, as head of state, without consulting any government colleague, to a friend who happens to be the head of a rival organisation not party to the negotiations, who we now have on the record as saying he wanted to destroy the rival organisation, is as serious as it gets.

It’s a resigning offence and criminal proceedings should be undertaken against Varadkar and O’Toole. The sole reason he got the document was due to his friendship with Varadkar.

FG - soft on white collar crime.

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if hed said people in public office, hed have a point

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If I’d blown my money betting on Liverpool instead of Atalanta last night, I’d have been right.

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i can revolut you over another 5 cent if it helps

What we know for an absolute fact is that Varadkar leaked confidential information to a friend, without consulting anyone in the government. If this was above board and with good intentions then he had absolutely no reason to act in secrecy.

The suggestion is not that Varadkar wanted to destroy the IMO, that was his friend’s intention - whether known to Vardkar or not we don’t know - but we have it on the record now of his friend’s intention.

Varadkar’s motivation, as clear as day, was not to get the deal over the line, but to do a favour for his friend. As AOR put it yesterday, he was either complicit or he was a stooge. Either way he broke the law, he broke regulations, he broke trust and he has to go. His friendship came before the ethics and regulations that his job demands.

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I have money. I just cant use it to bet. But sure revolut it anyway

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I’m afraid I’m going to have to move you from “Dead Cert” into the “Maybe” column for a vote for FG in the next election with that sort of outburst

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There’s no defending what happened which is why you can’t.

The only line of defence from the Government has been one of blind faith in whatever Leo says is what happened. When you look at the credibility of his explanation, there is none.

  • Why the need for secrecy? Why not inform the Minister for Health, the IMO? Why go on a solo run?
  • Why conceal it?
  • The timeline and evidence furnished shows MOT requested it from Varadkar, Varadkar requested the document from the DOH, got it, text his friend and asked for his address and sent it out.
  • The document had confidential, not for circulation on it.
  • Vardkar contends that the document was finalised, it wasn’t - in his handwriting he clearly says “subject to changes/amendments”. In a follow up text he tells MOT “there may still be some changes, don’t take it as gospel”. So he has been caught bang to rights on an outright lie that completely undermines his story.

His story is completely unbelievable but the government seem intent on sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling when relayed with the facts and the mainstream media have been shown to be trying their best to bury and suppress the story.


It’s great to see @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy defending the State.

The lack of experience around the Cabinet table from the opposition has been telling.

Not surprising to see @TheUlteriorMotive defending white collar crime.

Pearse is still seeing stars after the pummelling he got from some no-mark backbencher on Matt Cooper

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wonder if jim will do anything about it

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What does this refer to?

Jeez this is pathetic stuff from the Village and the cranks at this stage, the Woodward and Beirnstein they aren’t.

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the post above isnt from the village

Roman driving your agenda now :joy::joy:

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not at all.

must be awful embarassing for ye blueshirts having to hide under meholes skirts, knowing he wont ask the AG if its illegal as he wants an election even less than ye

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Embarrassing :grin:

It’s funny to see Pearse flailing really.

“It’s not just as simple as optics, perceptions do matter and when it comes to a contract of this size, importance and cost, it has to be seen to be all above board as well 
 [He] left himself open to the perception of a conflict of interest, the perception that someone was given an inside track.”