Leo Varadkar

The Whatsapp?

The latest messages are a giant nothing burger. They really should have held the story back until next week if they wanted some real traction as the US election has clipped the wings of it. Knowing how to drip feed a story would help too.

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What’s the latest lads?

Pearse is gone to the Blaskets like Luke Skywalker


Very few give a fuck about this posh boys spat . The fun and drama is stateside .

Whatsapp’ing the Teesh and Minister for Helf, pointing them to Twitter to find your “sentiments”… It all just seems very tawdry.

This kinda shit should be handled via letters typed up on good quality paper.

More leaks

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Ah it’s beyond a joke. Are we sure Leo isn’t bugged? Whoever leaked that obviously want Leo to suffer. Who is it I wonder?


Leo has been caught rotten.

But, how have these WhatsApp & text messages been collected? If one of those involved shared the info then fair enough, if not then is personal info being hacked to make a story?

Clearly otoole was bragging to Bowers on WhatsApp about his buddy leo.

Anyway, even if it was hacked there’s no rule against fruit from the poison tree in the court of public opinion.

Proper order too

Shur it was one of their own who fucked Cowen under the bus.

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These cunts must have never heard of burners

Martin looks like a right fool after all this. Leo is running rings around him and will Bury Martin and ff when it suits him

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Leo is finished.

FF will stay quiet as another election see them fucked also. SF & Labour would see gains.

FG membership should be looking to push Leo aside too if they’ve any intentions of regaining seats at next election.

Lads would believe anything they read on Twitter.

Well. This has NOT gone down well

If they get rid of Leo I can see them gaining seats on last GE, Coveney is a good operator with little BS and media spin. The public will see that. FF are fucked either way. SF have lost a lot of the feel good factor of the GE and have been terrible during covid. Leos leaking must be going back to Endas cabinet and fg know that

Leo won’t be there by summer but he’ll leave when he decides to. He has nothing left to achieve to go back in as Taoiseach. Nice pension and consultancy awaits him. The pension is seethe worthy .