Less negative things about the lockdown

guess the year? I’ll go for 1928

If they would only stop weddings altogether

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I’d say it’s post war. You’d need a fashion or car expert to tell you.

Is that a Ford Anglia in the background?

I’d say you could murder a Chinese.

Yes 1950s some time

One of the best things about lock down is catching up with old friends you’d lost contact with. I wouldn’t be the best at times to keep in touch but I got A message from a lad I lived With from mayo in stint one of college. We were good buddies at the time but drifted after we went certain ways and I’d say I hadn’t been in touch With him in maybe three years. It was a real boast for me. I’ve been thinking of two or three friends now I haven’t been in contact in a while and will message them after. If we all did something similar it could help a few peoples spirits.

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Between 1960 and 1966
Model is Linda Ward (later O’Reilly)

Edit Brendan O’Reilly of Sports Stadium fame wife

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Plenty time to be pricing the Car Insurance with various companies/brokers.

The local ladies football team arranged a partnership with An Post and the shops in the area to get hundreds of easter eggs and the postmen have been delivering them as a surprise for the children in each house.


Hi Dion

Eh, thats the fucking Easter Bunnys job. In these tough times, its not right to be showldering in on someone elses area.

Did you get one?

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Once you get used to lock down im starting to enjoy it. I still miss my family/friends and seeing them but after that I think I could life like this long term. I’ve started reading again too. All weekend I was buried in Barney Curleys book. #BeKind

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The youngest trying on so e fake tan she got and walking b into the kitchen with a face greener than Kermit the frog.

What do the other 3 lads who use this log on do? Still all college students?

The Rose of Tralee is off.


Eating the dinner in the middle of the day, everyday.


When I was working in the office I could have a bowl of porridge before leaving home at 7:30 and not eat again until lunchtime.

Now I’m having to have breakfast, brunch, lunch, an afternoon snack and then dinner.


5 (five) opportunities to post in the Ravenous thread before you even get to 1pm there.

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I find the work side of things much harder though in fairness my hours aren’t as long, but classroom teaching is good craic and is often (on the good days) not like working at all, the shitty bit about teaching is all the planning, needless paperwork, in short everything that doesn’t happen between 9 and 3, now everything is that, for 3 days a week I’m very busy and the other days I’m sort of on call.

But in general I’m enjoying a lot of this time, no need to make the school lunches or get the kids in and out of bed very early, getting to spend lots of time with them, getting plenty of exercise and cooking fresh meals every day,
Yesterday we had obstacle course time trials in the back garden, nerfgun battle as well

We have our health and wake up fresh every morning, it could be worse