Less negative things about the lockdown

I’m actually relatively happy with life at the minute. Lots of family time, good balance to life going for a run during the day etc.
I think if I could call to Family for a night, and have a small group of lads around for a beer at the weekends, I’d be content enough with life for a good while


You know you’ll be called a selfish fucker by a few on here just because you’re happy with your lot


Well that is tempered by the fact that I’ll be out of a job by the end of the summer if things don’t relax a bit, but sure look it, I have one for now and I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it. The missus job is safe as well regardless, so small mercies.


That’s great pal but you need to wean yourself off the drink.

Fuck that.


Looking on the bright side, there’s lads here who couldn’t see the good in anything, must be a curse to be do cynical and joyless

The sun is shining and you’re with the people you love the most, if you can’t see any good in that then I just don’t know


You can please some of the people some of the time and all that malarky

Whenever I was out walking before the pandemic, nine out of ten people walking against me would ignorantly hold their ground and force me off my path-line or even off the path itself. I’m a quiet man, I know.

Now however, everybody walking against me gives me a clear run, up to the point that some even endanger their lives by walking on the road way. I must have that Covis-19 look about me.


The OPW park rangers will remember the lockdown as their golden age. Jesus theyre on the megaphones constantly

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy. Us muldoons won’t be able to go into the water soon


About as dangerous as a goldfish, surreal my ass.

Fair play to you if you and family are all loved up in our house we have me 45 missus 49 eldest 22 male completing first year of PME and a 17 year old female stressing about whether the LC will go ahead or not. At times I wish they were younger🤦‍♂️.


It’ll get better,ref students I’d be wary of their mental health ref bloody exams - know my guy felt the strain a while back( I was pushing)

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Swings and roundabouts kid. My eldest is 18 and like that is panicking about the LC. The youngest is 14. Her biggest issue is the social side of things. She was actually quite disappointed not to be going back to school before the fall,
It could be a very long summer. At the same time people need to take advantage of family time now. If we dont we’ll regret it down the line.


My eldest is 13, she’s bored alright but she keeps herself busy with guitar, reading and baking, the three younger ones are treating it like a summer holiday, they’re good to play with each other and it’s nice because the second girl has gotten closer to her little sisters because she has no option but to hang around with them, the little ones are besties, they’d get by if they never had anyone else.
We’re filling the days as well as possible I think and trying to remain optimistic, we know that we’re lucky to have secure jobs but my wife is working more than ever (outside the home) and I’m finding work difficult, it’s 100 times easier to be in a classroom.
But this is the les negative things thread, it’s great having quiet roads, at 8 o clock last night myself and the three younger kids (10,8 and 6) cycled into town via Henry St and Catherine street and cycled right up the middle of O’Connell street and home on the Dock road

That’ll drive a few ads demented on a Sunday morning :joy:
I do have a dog with a tummy bug, that’ll cheer ye up,


The sooner they pedestrianise more of that city, the better

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Mine are 6 and 4. Bar one or two bust ups they have been entertaining each other flat out 14 hours a day every day for the last 6 weeks. One thing to take from this anyway id kids dont need to be carted around morning noon and night to playgrounds, sports, playdates etc to be happy.


Kids just need the time to be kids


Already our one has the world of toys etc that relatives have bought her, but if she goes for a stroll down the road, all she wants to do is rob a few stones out of all the driveways (the Limerick in her) and bring them home with her


That’s not too bad. Just remember the next time ye decide to go for a stroll, if she insists on bringing a few sandwiches with her, you’re truly fucked.