Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Would someone kindly tell me how teams are in each level?

Senior A

Senior B

Premier Intermediate


Junior A

Senior A- 6

Senior B- 6 (but you can win the overall Senior Championship from the B group, top two make the quarter-finals to play 3rd & 4th from the A group; this format may be ending shortly, even though it has worked fairly well).

Premier Intermediate- 8

Intermediate- 12

Junior A- 24

Intermediate is two groups of 6 as well isn’t it

They are splitting the Junior A from next year I think. Not sure if they are going for an 8 team Premier Junior A a lá the Premier Intermediate with the other 16 teams left in Junior A, or a straight 12 and 12 split

The Premier Intermediate is a brilliant Championship. Every game a great contest, I’d say a Premier Junior A would be equally Box Office (the Junior A is already a superb competition, some may even say Box Office)


They’ve been talking about that for a few years, has it actually been confirmed?

Because surely you have to tell clubs that you have to finish in the top 3 in your group or whatever in order to be Premier Junior next year.

I was also thinking that, because of scheduling issues, that they might need to change the format of the Premier Intermediate, as good a competition as it has been. Struggle to squeeze that extra round of fixtures in with the schedule, I think making fellas play a week after an All Ireland victory is a little harsh.

Thanks very much.

Am I correct in making inference that the teams placed 5th and 6th in Senior A group are out of championship?

Exactly, yeah.

The team who finished 6th plays in the B group the following year. There would be a bit of prestige around playing in the A group, Ahane have kept themselves alive up there against the odds for a few years now. Even though they may find it hard to do much beyond just survive.

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But on the flip side then to that, you’ve less chance of making the knock stages if you are in A.

@Aristotle I thought it was confirmed at the start of the year they would be splitting the junior with the top 3 in each group forming Premier A next year, but perhaps it was never finalised.

4 out of the 6 in A progress - 2 out of the 6 in B progress. You do the maths

Ya but you have to dislodge one of the Big 4 if you are in A.
If K/P were in B this year they’d be nailed on for a QF spot.

Shur they got there last year and did nottin. Cc @Aristotle

Yeah look, that part is true. But I do think the gap is closing some bit and we’d have to beat one of them in a quarter-final anyway. For a side like us, it’s an opportunity to test ourselves against the best teams and see where we’re at.

As for the Junior, if that is the case, no one told me that :joy:

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Shur that was our warm-up for this year :joy:

We’ve been out buying caps since cc @balbec

Aside from the Big 4, the system works well in that all teams, at all levels are competitive against each other.

K/P could actually be the epitome of how the system is supposed to operate as they’ve improved year-on-yer up through the levels and I’d give them a puncher’s chance of knocking off one of the Big 4 this year. For too many years the likes of Adare and Ahane were focusing on a single game, ie versus the promoted team from Senior B, to ensure survival. The promoted team were doing the same, in fairness, as they targeted one of those two.

I think K/P have a different, and better, attitude in that they want to progress rather than survive. It may well be rewarded.


The well were beaten by the other top 3 last year so all it would take for example would be for k/p to beat the team going bad and the other team in senior a and they’re in a great position to reach a seni final. Doon might struggle this year

Heard from an uninformed source there was war over the Clare mans appointment. Is that true??

The KP Ahane game next week gives a great chance for an upset this year. The winners have 4 free shots at the big 4 and the loser has 4 finals to cause a shock fighting for thier lives. One of the big 4 will fall this year one way or another

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Imagine if he was from Tipp

They will in their holes

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