Limerick GAA - All-Ireland senior hurling champions 2018

Sorry I couldn’t make it Mike. I had graveyard Sunday to attend, and to be honest I thought you were on top of things.
I won’t let you down again.

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This day three weeks.

Kilkenny (probably) in the quarter final a week later.

Wouldn’t mind a nice short trip to Carlow. Might even considereal giving a few of ye counts a bed on the Saturday night. I can book FIFI for the night

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There were a few balls went his way, he just wasn’t at the races today, I don’t think he starts any more, better off coming in anyway as he did during the league to good effect.

The much maligned Jack Browne beat him up a stick. Walked all over him

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An awful lot of auld bullshit surrounds Paul kinnerk, but his coaching record since 2013 is appalling. Its gas really.
Then there’s that chump joe O’Connor , another 'reputation ’ who oversaw a fast top of the ground Clare team walking in quicksand in 14 15 and 16.
Last year limerick were fat. Now a limerick team are bollixed after 3 weeks in a row.
Its gas.

Jack Browne is maligned for a reason.

I’d have to watch it back, but I wouldn’t be pinpointing him as the material reason that we lost by 11 pts.

Limerick just didn’t turn up unfortunately.

Judged off 2014 form. He has been solid as a rock this year throughout the league and championship and is a real leader.


The scene was set with Dowlings first free. He did his usual bull shit of trying to send it out of the park where a drilled free would negate the breeze. He offers fuck all else from open play. Limerick are a better team without him. Casey to come in for Mulcahy and Gillane for Dowling and we go again.


Judging by that picture you posted earlier, you were just a few rows in front of me pal.

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I wasn’t having that conversation, he just wasn’t playing well and was replaced, no surprise there.

Rubbish, he was the best forward ye had on the pitch again today

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Pat O’Connor comprehensively won his battle with Shane Dowling.

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good stuff

Limericks discipline has been poor to date in the championship.

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Agreed. It’s where they will need to learn if they want to push on next year… some really stupid fouls.

I’d dispute that to be honest, Dowling had to fight for his ball today due to substandard delivery but I’d say he at least broke even on the day, the missed frees were poor but his vision remains top class.

He didn’t score or set up anything from open play in the game I was watching.

the collective first touch of both teams was absolutely atrocious
disappointing to watch at this level