Limerick GAA - All-Ireland senior hurling champions 2018

It’s a pure drug.

You live for the buzz and adrenaline of big victories, amid all the terrible days. If you could bottle the feeling of beating Kilkenny, Cork and Galway you’d be a billionaire.


JP Gaultier-McManus?

This is going to be a huge anti climax fellas, what exactly are ye expecting? It was a huge achievement for the players, life should really be back to normal now,
Following the cup around the county :grin:

I’m expecting bumper crowds next year in 1A of the league, a big uptake of kids taking up the game across the city and county, a decent increase in attendance at the club games this autumn and Limerick to bate Cark again next year both in the league and championship.


Just proves you don’t get it if I could I would follow it around myself. Fair fooks to all those on here who have been touring the county all week. Kudos👍

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In what way?
If we get our arses handed to us next year?
That may well happen. But this is about now.
There has been no anti climax for the last few days. From a players perspective it might actually dawn on them what they have achieved in a few weeks. Might lead to a scuttery season next year. But anti climax? No


Sing us a song you’re the…

Id find it hard to believe there was a lower point than that. The worst performance in croke park in either code Iv ever seen.

In the way that some of tw think that this will change yere lives in some way,

It’s a game, a hobby for the players, the achievement belongs to them, enjoy the craic but Jesus Christ, hold onto some form of normality, it’s bananas

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You’d never know. We might get Graham Mul on here in 20 years time blowholing about how he scored 1-2 in an AIF

It wont. If ye dont win 3 of the next 5 it would be an underachievement with that squad. Bring in 3 or 4 to starting team to freshen it up and away ye go. Limerick will be fucking despised by 2021 and thats what ye should be aiming for


I honestly think we’ll win another 2 or 3 with this team. I called it back in early July that we would win this year and I fully believe there’s the talent and hunger allied with a top class management team to become a truly great team. Winning last Sunday albeit just about is all that matters in the here and now. These lads don’t give two fooks about the Corks, Tipps, Cats, Banjo players etc. They will create their own legacy.

May well happen for some. But the vast majority around here look at this week as the week between Christmas and new year. Turkey is eaten.
Few days off. Will be a good feeling alriget but I’m not expecting my Dunnes managers to bow to me when I go back to work Monday week

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Possibly. But for argument sake if we retain our title next year it won’t have the raw emotion it had on Sunday.
Actually edit that. It’ll be worth it just to have a pop at the Tipp gang

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Look mate, life goes on, it’s great for the players and good for limerick but it’s a bit of craic for supporters,

I’m delighted for yourself and a few others, long suffering and all, but as I said it could well be an anti climax for ye personally

Ah you’re seething you little Cork bollix, lovely stuff :pint: :laughing:


We’ll by jaysus the climax was worth it.


You’re missing the point.

You’ve missed the point here.

If you can’t share the joy of winning an All-Ireland with your fellow countymen for a week or two, what are you at? There’s some buzz around the place at the moment.

With club championship next week, we can start to wind down a bit then.