Limerick GAA - All-Ireland senior hurling champions 2018

I wish both teams could win, I’ve huge respect and no little gra for Lumerick hurling, in fact I’d probably take a bit more joy in them winning the AI than I would for Cork, I’ve seen plenty in my lifetime, it would mean so much more to my adopted county,
But GAA loyalties run deep and I’ll be shouting myself hoarse for Cork this weekend, I think they’re a stronger team, Limerick will have a completely different test to anything they’ve faced yet,
Anyway I won’t be getting involved in any slanging matches, I’ll be happy as long as the best team wins and it’s not decided by referee or similar



Twee Muldoon cunt


A very honest summation of your thoughts. You have been and continue to be one of the most learned and reasoned posters on this thread👏

Your some dopey cunt. Will you half the half and half jersey on? We don’t want you and you’ll never be a limerick man. Fuck off back to whatever kip you crawled out of in cork.


I bet he wept like a girl as he wrote that.

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You don’t want me :smile: you’re a gas cunt.
You’ll never understand mate, you’ll live your entire life within 2 fields of the house you grew up in, gambling away the farm field by field until eventually you have a spinster sister bringing you in ‘the dinner’ while drinking yourself to death and lying and annoying strangers on whatever the internet morphs into.
Oh, good luck on Saturday though :ok_hand:


Jesus , that seems a decent enough life when all is said and done .

I have no fields or farm or a sister.

Things have moved quicker than I thought so.


None in my family owned fields. Maybe on my mothers side but not in the last two generations.

OK mate :+1: :rollseyes:

I am not sure what you are getting at here tbh.

Stick to the game gentlemen.

@backinatracksuit is constantly bringing up peoples personal lifes. He has messaged three separate posters in the last month trying to find out my identity. He is an odd cork cunt.

I do apologise, I’ve no idea why he used that opportunity to attack me, I was being nice.

That’s an awful lie he’s just told there as well, why would he do that?
Who are the three mate?

@Brimmer_Bradley, a quick question.

@anon32894817 has Just told a huge lie to the forum, he said that I have PMd three separate posters looking for his personal details when I have done nothing of the sort and nobody could possibly have any proof to help him with this lie.

My question @Brimmer_Bradley is what is the best way to proceed with this? Should I let it lie?

Hickey out. Casey in.

A request or confirmed?

Nash is still on the panel.

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Fuck you @Watchyourtoes. I told you all this was bullshit. But you wait for @applefumbled to believe