Limerick GAA - Box Office

I don’t think so

Nah, Claughaun/Old Christians won it. Kildimo/Pallas won the B final.

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Delighted for them…lot of work went into that considering tradition etc.

A lot of old cunts especially in Pallas didn’t want that merger at all,makes perfect sense really

There are not many changes to this Limerick Hurling panel at all.


1.Was John Kiely first choice and would he be manager if Dalo said yes?.
2.Paul Kinnerk and Joe O Connor were chosen before John Kiely got the job. Had he any say?
3.Is John Kiely under pressure if the proper political selections are not made?
4.Was there anything curious about the introduction of player with a prominent surname for a token appearance near the end of the AI U21 Final to win his medal on the field?
5.Should a player have started on the bench instead of the team in the 2015 AI u21 SF after ending his self imposed exile abroad?
6.Do some players have more external influence behind them than others?
7.The financial state of Limerick GAA is bad so could a cash rich parent force a recall for his son?
8.Do John Kiely and James Ryan get on?
9.Would it be honourable of the county treasurer to resign because he has sons on the panel?
10.How independent is John Kiely on a scale of 1 to 10?

Is it possible John Kiely finds himself in a situation that he doesnt fancy even at this early stage going in with all ideas but finding himself working with his hands tied behind his back now that he is in the tent?

There are a lot of political movements in Limerick that like to push their agenda on team selection. You would have the officers and potential officers who are always looking out for votes. You have the club political movement. Na Piarsaigh and Kilmallock for example would be considered political movements. You have the anti football movement where footballers are picked on the hurling panel for no other reason only to fuck up the footballers. You have the player political movement. In the past key players like Mark Foley and TJ Ryan were considered political movements. The strongest
political movement of them all is the fathers political movement especially when the wallet is large or they work for companies who like to splash the cash and there are years of evidence to
back this up. I dont want to be naming fathers here but nearly every Limerick supporter could name 4 or 5 at the very least. Some are quite open about how they manoevere.

I suppose Kiely has to be clever. He would not be as natural at the political stuff as TJ was and probably not as willing to agree to it because he does not work in the business sector. He seems a bit more in your face and confrontational than TJ and because of that would have difficulty talking out both sides of his mouth. Is he under pressure from external forces this early in the job? It could
be taken for granted that TJ would make certain political selections because that is his natural way but John Kiely might find that he will be under pressure to do that.

If a player is dropped and a father approaches with either a personal or a business cheque then that player will have to become undropped even if management are well known not to rate that player. I
suppose this isnt something that is exclusive to Limerick GAA where people have connections and financial backing. Sooner or later such any player who has been well backed financially since he was an underage player will be found out and will have to stand in the real world but these things are about here and now. Does Limerick hurling really matter to these people?

The real problem here is that Limerick are rumoured to be in debt to the tune of almost one million with more unpaid bills than a builder at the collapse of the celtic tiger. This means that men with money will have their hands gobbled up even if it dictates team and panel selection. Sometimes you will find that a player is left off the panel completely because he could be too much of a threat to the selection chances of another player.

Think about the next time Limerick lose a match by a point. Did they lose because they werent good enough or did they lose because external factors dictated team selection. Can all involved carry that on their conscience? Do people even have a conscience at that level? Is holding onto a position more important than making honourable calls on merit that might cost you a position?

I thought John Kiely was different and would be more like Tom Ryan and tell everybody to fuck off. He has lost some of the Limerick public with this panel.

This should be about Limerick hurling and not who pays the bills.

The Jury is out for now

Here is a riddle. Initials by numbers of the alphabet
Player 1: 10 6
Player 2: 12 12
Player 3: 11 8


That whole fuckin post is a riddle


Thinking about little too deeply

Name names or fuck off.


Not even 20 questions :rollseyes:

11.Do you have a life?


I would argue that there is not one single player on that panel who doesn’t deserve to be on it based on club performances over the past year. So perhaps people should just shut the fuck up maybe?


Your head must be fucked

Ah here, just fuck off.

Twas only a couple of years ago people were saying GAA was dead in the city.

Hurling Champions - Patrickswell, Monaleen, Mungret, NAP, Murroe Boher
Football Winners - Monaleen, Adare, Gerald Griffins


The question that needs to be asked is this the squad Kiely wanted to pick or was there pressure put on from certain quarters to have certain players involved. Seems the vast majority of that squad found out a week before a very select few that they were on the squad.

21 - Na P & could be a Na P double. Monaleen also strong. Both in the semis now
Minor - Monaleen. Na P favourites for the hurling

Only u16 went up the hills, to a Galbally/Garryspillane double

Why don’t you just say who you think should be on the squad or off it?

The GAA is strong in the city relatively speaking . There are serious problems all over the county that needs addressing . The county board are creating a facade with little foundations. Clubs are struggling .

As you and @Breaking_my_balls are well aware I’ve alluded to the farce that was the 2015 under 21 triumph. It was one of the darkest days in Limerick gaa.

Ah here!!! Have you been following Limerick hurling long???