Limerick GAA - Box Office

I was at the game. Key points;

  1. Cork were very fit and sharp looking for mid January. Plenty commented on it. Obviously targeting the league in a big way.

  2. Our FB Line had a nightmare. English looked every bit a player who hasn’t hurled since August with the injury. Judgement was all over the place and reactions slow.

  3. Stephen Cahill did himself no harm at all on a tough day. Did well.

  4. Shane Kingston is going to be some player

  5. It was confirmed to me by a Cork gentleman that Anthony Nash is indeed ‘an arrogant little cunt’, which cheered me up no end.


I thought he was still abroad?

No he’s home 6 weeks or so.

Who? Actually I think I know who it is and I agree

You could have a three year Tribunal into what happened at the students union in WRTC in the early 90’s…

I had a look at this thread after seeing yis conceded 7 goals to Cark yesterday, I thought it would be a jungle of wailing and knashing of teeth and therefore quite funny. You all seem to have taken it quite well, which is terribly boring.


We’ve matured mate. We beat the shit out of Cork in this very competition in Mallow last year and it did fuck all good for us come League & Championship. The penny has dropped that the reverse is also true. Limerick are looking at Wexford Park, not Cork & Clare in the same week in January… boring as fuck I know.


Kiely’s comments after the game yesterday spell trouble for a few lads I reckon. He said all 40 players needed to be given their chance to prove themselves but that yesterday’s result was ‘unacceptable’ and that some lads ‘didn’t have a good day at the office’.

The only players to emerge with credibility yesterday were Stephen Cahill, Ronan Lynch to some extent (he hit some great points, though himself and his marker were playing their own games, no worries on either of them on the damage the other was doing) and Barry Nash did ok only, wasted a pile of ball. David Dempsey did well when he came on. That was it.

Talking to a Cork lad this morning and he said Barry O’Connell was atrocious?

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He was easily the worst on show yesterday Mickey mouse game or not he was all at sea in every aspect of the game.

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Limerick have either annihilated, comfortably beaten or scraped past Wexford in the last few meetings between the teams. I can’t see Kiely surviving Wexford Park if Limerick don’t win - he’ll have to go.


The golden boy has to deliver.

I’m worried pal, it’s going to be some game.

Ah we’re bad but we’ve never killed a manager yet, no matter how useless they are

Who said you lot would kill him?

This Alan Dempsey chap who was a world beater against Waterford intermediates last week, how did he do?


Very Poor. We were beaten up a stick at midfield by Kearney and Fitzgibbon and they breezed through the centre numerous times creating overlaps etc. For 2 of Cork’s goals the ball was carried 40 yards on the solo straight through the middle, overlap created and simple pass before shooting. You have to look at your no. 6 in that instance.

Cork pulled our Half Backline out towards midfield and our Full Backline was completely exposed, inside one-on-one with oceans of room with the likes of Horgan and Cadogan is asking for pain. It didnt help that it was Richie English’s first game in months, he was awfully rusty.

Seanie O’Brien beat Cadogan for the first 3 balls, physically out muscled him or dispossessed him, and then failed to lift or pick the ball to clear all 3 times (lost his footing on one ocassion, picked and carried into the tackle on 2nd time and lost it and was hooked third time) One of them resulted in the first goal. After that Cadogan went to town. You can’t expect to win if your corner back is actually doing the hard bit in winning the tussle for possession and failing to clear it.

I was told this morning that Limerick trained heavily 3 times last week, so make of that what you will.

He didnt see much ball in all honesty. The one ball he got he fired over the bar. Cork were completely dominant at midfield and most of Limerick’s puckouts against the breeze were landing around there with Dempsey travelling backwards away from goals coming out trying to get on ball. I also noted that he was one of the players who looked tired from the off, looked sluggish on his feet, wheras apparently he was zipping around the place last week.

Not all doom and gloom.

I like the new jersey

@ciarancareyshurlingarmy who’s on that u21s panel ?