Limerick GAA - Box Office

How did Kyle Hayes go??

Hannon was unreal.

If you think finding a CB will solve all your problems then I suggest you take a look at the other 14 muldoons.

Unfortunately I couldn’t make the game but pal of mine who’d know his stuff reported the following ;

Richie solid out at full back.
Stephen Cahill put in another decent display
Byrnes had a fine game.
Hannon did well enough, enough for another look at him there.
Jim Bob was excellent
Barry Nash played well
Kyle Hayes, La Touche and Hegarty impressed him too

That never happened.

It would solve some of our problems with regards to conceding goals…Richie has had no protection through the middle over the last two years.

Tipp for example were able to walk through the middle in the GG in 15 & last year in Mordor with 14 men without even a shoulder layed on them.

Limerick played a 2 man FF line in both matches as far I can recall. Basically proves the point that Gavin can’t play the role at CB but you also need a Brendan Maher / Conor Fogarty type midfielder who will sit back when needed to help at CB.

Are you genuinely having a conversation about hurling with a man who uses emojis to partake in hurling discussions

Clare were better for most of the game but were caught for the two goals while either fouled or wasted a few runs/overlaps of their own.

Hannon did ok at 6. Gavin was roasted by conan. … why do clare move him to inside line when he is needed at half under puckouts and clearances?
Byrnes possibly had 8 or 9 shots at goal. He wastes a ton of ball.
We caught just two of our puckouts…hego


McCarthy was not that solid, ALTC is not a forward. We have lads we are trying to turn into forwards who are out and out wing backs, ALTC and Colin Ryan. Two super hurlers and we are going to ruin them. Hannon did okay, Byrnes hit a load of ball, hit and miss, GOM cleaned a few times by Conlon. Hegarty has to be looked at in a more central role defensively as he could hold the middle and is athletic enough also. Browne was very good when he came on. I wish Cian Lynch would just back himself to take his score.


As I said was just passing on the tidbits from someone there, perspective is everything I suppose. I would say the McCarthy was solid comment was probably in the context of last Sunday!

What did you think of Kyle Hayes?

Gavin proved last year he’s not cut out for 6, If Hegartys striking improves he could be an option there imo…he has all the attributes…strength aggression, good paw…but its a huge step up for him…

Think he’s worth a look…I’d have no issue with Gavin at 7.

Abhoy the kid. :+1:

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Wake up please pal. Saying " if a lad can improve his striking " & potential CB in the same sentence is mental.

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I think it will come with time…If I was John Kiely I’d try him at 6 for the league.

Madness and this thread go hand in hand pal tbh…I dont see many other viable options within the county.

Hannon did fine tonight. Held the middle and got steadily better as the game progressed. Richie had Shanagher beat up a stick in the first half. They took him off at the break and bizarrely moved Conlan, who had cleaned Gavin, to full forward. Conlan drew him out a bit and he looked a bit uncomfortable.

Excellent shift by young Hayes, who replaced the injured Hegarty. Tom Morrissey got a great score at a vital time and Cahill impressed again. Graeme Mul battled well and Quaid was very solid, ditto Mike Casey. Other than that, the rest were largely poor to awful.


Really? Declan Fanning, Shane McGrath, James Barry all Tipp hurlers who had weaknesses with striking/striking under pressure/use of possession when they came on the scene. Brian Hogan Kilkenny similar.

You haven’t a notion lad.

Only Barry ( briefly enough ) has played CB for Tipp for a sustained run of games. What’s your vague point?

He has a load of ability. He is a tough bit of stuff also. I am just annoyed seeing someone like ALTC being wasted in the forwards, he has no chance of making it there. Paul Browne for the time he was in was the best player on the park.

Classic deflection. Hogan a superb centre back but you ignored that. Anyway, position irrelevant. But I’ll humour you, Why would you need a faster speed of striking at centre back as opposed to wing back in your opinion?