Limerick GAA - Box Office

He’s 18. Throwing him in at 6 in a young team in an important league game in February is just silly. Use him as a sub for 20 mins in the forwards for the year.

Looking at teams put up here, i’m curious is this peoples preferred teams or what team they actually think will play against Wexford. My opinion from all the games Limerick have played so far this year. Nicky will be in goals. Richie Mac will definitely be full back( Richie English, coming back from injury or not was atrocious against Cork) , Casey in the other corner . Not sure who will be the third in the full back line as various people have been tried there in the 4/5 games so far. Hannon/Hickey will be in the half back line not sure which will be centre , my preference is Hannon as he is very good on the ball and covers Richie Mac very well. Byrnes other half back. I think Paul Browne will be midfield , not sure who will be the other midfielder. The six forwards , are hard to judge . Hegarty will probably be at half forward , Barry Nash at full after that I’m no sure as a lot of options being tried at present.

You’d be better off with either Quaid or Dowling at 6 than that young lad

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CHampinship starters will be Quaid, Richie English, Richie Mc, hannon, Byrnes, Browne, Nash, c lynch and d Dempsey.

I don’t think David Dempsey will be a starter come June

There’s a better chance of Damian Dempsey starting.


I’d be surprised if David is a starter come summer. I expect him to be in the future but not sure about this year. I can’t see how Hannon could be considered a definite starter at this stage based on recent seasons. He should be a certainty, but he has a lot to prove. I think he should be left in the forwards as well.

David Dempsey will be starting.

We could use a few like him, he wouldn’t let the negative vibes and comments get through to his psyche


Joe Quaid is signing up lads from all over

David is 22 this year . Good in the air , quickish and smart. It is now or never . He was outstanding for Na P. In AI year .

To be honest he needs to really believe . I think he is an asset at this level and we need him firing if we are to progress in the next few years .

OPPS wrong reply

Have no fear Dempsey will make a top class 10.

Hope so

A windy Ardscoil Rís Na Piarsaigh-er??

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Ronan Lynch was never anywhere near as good as Cian Lynch as a minor. I would have rated Cian Lynch the best of the three at the time. I saw Gleeson get a very tough time from Colin O Riordan as a minor. His progress has been outstanding since then and he is a much better athlete than the other two. I must have watched Ronan Lynch at least 5 times from minor to now and he’s done fuck all from play in any game I can remember


Unless both of the Lynch lads discover a mean streak over the next couple of years they will amount to nothing.

Pipe down you.

It’s fact, pal. We’ve had hard working warriors for years. We finally get a crop that can hurl and they are all lovely lads.

This game has sympathy for no one. You put the ball over the bar and in the back of the net and let that be the end of it. It’s like the walk of life, you get out of it what you put into it.


Never a truer word said

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