Limerick GAA - Box Office

We all know that. But those Doon lads have to go to work tomorrow or collect Dole this week. They won’t like hearing people whispering they are cheats. I wouldn’t blame them.

A few of them post here.

how is oisin o reily going?

Post reported.

Injured against bruff

Jimmy is a mad gambler I heard

They’re hearing ever since it became apparent that NaP’s fate was in their hands. I doubt reading it here will tip them over the edge.

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NAP footballers a decent bet now to win it out. They’ve a decent team and if they get a few hurlers they might be hard bet

A lot of then na piarsaigh boys need a proper break from hurling . Might be no bad thing .


Our resident hurling expert hasn’t a fucking clue, sure he knows a load of the Doon players :joy: and he’s going to send them around to my house for asking a question on an Internet forum, Jesus wept.

Anyway, the question remains, is there a suspicion that Doon did less than their best to win the game?

Doon were through anyway, stands to reason Ballybrown would have been more up for this one. If qualification were still an issue you could be sure the boys would have been home from the States.

Mate, were those townie cunts mugged off good and proper over the weekend?

Good and proper mate, good and proper.

Ah lovely. Thats wonderful news to hear of a Monday morning. Sent home with their frothy latte’s in an giant oversized mug.

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and sipping their lattes admiring their All Ireland medals :frowning:

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Still, they have time to kick a bit of ball now, that’ll cheer em up no end I’m sure.

All they have to look forward to this year are ACL injuries and mental breakdowns

The NaP lads having a break is great for Limerick hurling. With the 21s and seniors all getting knocked out early it will be a right clean start for Sheedy and his assistant Jimmy Barry Murphy when they call the panel together for the first time.


It’ll be great for some of them alright, I just hope Dowling looks after himself :sweat:

Yesterday’s man. Peter Casey is the future.

He needs to transfer out of NAP then.

Yesterdays club.