Limerick GAA - Box Office

Miniscule I would think.

They are a fierce church going community back there.

A few factories , good business, decent farmers , rich diaspora , . It was always a great drinking town . Lots of pubs and chippers etc . There is a strong rugby and soccer club in the town .

Abbeyfeale is not an affluent area or good farming land ffs sake!! Any land West of NCW is poor farming land and there wouldnt be any higher levels of wealth than any other area, in fact if I was to guess I would say it might be lower. It is classed as a rural disadvantaged area under some sort of Government classification i am almost certain


Think you’re mixing Abbeyfeale up with @Ashman. He’s rural and disadvantaged.


There are a few decent farmer round there . Drive out the road to Kerry and see the houses . Mansions .

In Co. Kerry you mean??? Abbeyfeale stretches as far the bridge at the GAA field.

That’d be Kerry pal.

We are all disadvantaged on this site . Do you think anyone with a vibrant social life , an exciting sex life and being decent at sport would waste time here .

No ; the main road . Limerick county stretches to Feale Bridge by the main road. The secondary road to Listowel has border in the town . The GAA pitch is in Kerry .

Not one of them farmers mate. I know the houses you are talking about. And aswell as that they are across the river so thats Co. Kerry. There are certainly not ‘a lot’ of factories either. You have Kostal obviously, not much after that, few small operations employing a dozen or two dozen people in each.

Mansions just outside the town on the Tralee Road? Im struggling to think of them bar 2 at the very edge of the town, neither owned by farmers.

In any case, the point stands. Wealth is not something you would associate in general with the area bar a couple of families.

I said a few factories.

Abbeyfeale is a shithole


Never said it was wealthy but most of the populace seem comfortable which in this day and age is not bad .

Ah here, take a drive around the estates in Abbeyfeale and I can assure you that some of them are worse than neighbouring NCW!!!

Only thing good about Abbeyfeale is the practice of giving out the ‘Stuffing and Coleslaw’ tubs with the Superbites Chicken Boxes, savage dinner to pick up on the go which has spread to other takeaways, but most West Limerick people would feel nowhere else beats Superbites for a Breast of Chicken and Chip with stuffing and coleslaw. Unreal.

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Would have to disagree mate. That area in general (Abbeyfeale, Mountcollins, Athea, Templeglantine, Tournafulla, Carrigkerry) and into North Kerry and further north towards Glin/Ballyhahill/Loughill would be at the national average of incomes or wealth or whatever way you want to measure it, if not below it.

Now mid-Limerick is a different story. Going Eastwards from NCW down to Kilmallock…thats where the dosh is.

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Collins Park and Clash Rd!!

Dicussing the affluence of Abbeyfeale.
A new low for TFK