Limerick GAA - Box Office

i got carried out of the cu culainn last night unreal


Were you the lad up dancing with the Harty girl?

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and into punches.

you wont see the well lads walking around town sipping lattes in their club shorts looking like utter spoons


Jaysus that was a shockng final lads left on 52mins.

No fault to to the well though they have a nice team to be fair but fuck it ballybrown were awful. Finally found out maybe.

Coasted through that game, i heard a Patrickswell fella on the phone behind me to a friend during the second half and he said laughing ‘one of the most enjoyable 50minutes i’ve ever had’ says enough…

The prevailing opinion in Patrickswell is that you couldn’t beat them enough.

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All things being equal Na Piarsaigh would hammer those muldoon fucks from the Well.

You are talkong out your arse you fucking ape.


This crowd of winter hurling plodders from the Well won’t get out of Munster as opposed to the reigning All Ireland champion city slickers . Na Piarsaigh will be back next year, nicely refreshed, to reclaim their crown without any fuss.

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Pwell by far and away have the most skill full hurlers in Limerick. They play lovely brand of hurling. Nap won the softest all Ireland in history. You haven’t a clue.

The break will have done them good.
A lot of their players were on the go for a long time.


As @iron_mike says, the best thing for Limerick hurling now is for the Well to get knocked out of the Munster club because a good run for them will only be a distraction for the National Hurling League campaign. In fairness, they’re such a limited side I don’t see them sticking around too long in it.


Barry Foley, 42, is their main man :laughing:

Is he the guy who got a few early points in the All Ireland Final against Wexford 20 or 30 years ago?


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The very one. He’s been rolling back the years this season.

Are you a Patrickswell groupie?

He scored a great point from play out around the half way line in the second half that got the biggest cheer of the game. I didn’t realise he was 42, i knew he was well up there but not that old. Last year he was full back, i was surprised to see him midfield yesterday. Strange position for a portly low sized 42 yr old to play in a county final but there you go he played great anyway. He has unbelievable wrists and he’s wily out. Fair play to him winning a county at 42 and starring. Cian Lynch was in his best position yesterday, which is midfield. The Well were so superior to Ballybrown it wasn’t funny.


Patrickswell do an awful lot of fuck acting with the ball, an awful lot of tippy tappy stuff. You’d never build a county team around that. You need the more direct and incisive approach of na Piarsaigh and, to a lesser degree, Kilmallock.

Patrickswell just won the softest limerick county senior hurling championship in history.

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True that - the reigning Club All Ireland champions were on vacation for the year - massive * next to the Well this year.