Limerick GAA - it's Box Office - Always Has Been, Always Will Be

Retired! And no Johnny concrete!

I forgot him! Been a great stalwart. Even at the veteran stage youā€™d think heā€™d gave more to offer than a few on there.

Corbett, Johnny Mc, Ian Ryan, Buckley - thatā€™s the experienced core of your team missing there for one reason or another.

Very hard to be optimistic about the year ahead.

Corbett will be back for championship alright.

Ian Ryan, Seanie Buckley & Johnny Mac all retired. No fucking look-at-me statements there.
thanks lads, you were key to giving us great days out in Cork, Limerick, Killarney and Portlaoise.


Heā€™s only back in the country the week of the Clare game.

More honest, hard working lads you couldnā€™t meet. Gave us great days out. Some of my most enjoyable days following Limerick.


Thereā€™s a huge amount of players not there who were even there last year, and there was already a lot missing.

Obviously Corbett is gone. But no Ian Ryan, Seanie Buckley, Johnny Mac, Gerry Collins, Brian Scanlon as more experienced heads.

But then younger ladsā€¦ no Stevie Cahill, no Brian Donovan, Michael Donovan, Tommie Childs, Hughie Bourke.

I was kinda hoping Jim-Bob would give it a year.

There are still some good players there, but again, itā€™s a lot of experience to lose and that makes it even tougher for the younger guys.

That Saturday evening we tore those Meath cunts to pieces was brilliant,all of that team nearly gone now.

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10 years this year!

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You wonā€™t hear Padraic Lodge lauding any of these three on the radio in the morning upon news of their retirements but theyā€™ve been terrific servants.

Even more depressing when you see lads your own age who you played against underage retiring.

McCarthy in his prime was immense. He would have made the Kerry team at a time when they were winning A-Iā€™s.

Buckley is a great lad and was the spiritual leader once Galvin and go moved on. Terrific engine and kicked some sublime points from distance.

Ryan terrorising Meath in the Gaelic Grounds - seems a life time ago. He was often a one man forward line for us.

Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again. My best day out following Limerick GAA was beating Wexford in Portlaoise in 2011 to reach the quarter final. Bedlam at full time. Even better if that winning free was actually wide.



Think thatā€™s the last of them if McCarthy, Collins, Ryan & Buckley are gone. Garrett Noonan was a sub that day but didnā€™t play.

Scorers: Ian Ryan 3-7; John Galvin 1-1; Mike Crowley 0-2; Seanie Buckley 0-1; Ger Collins 0-1

Limerick: Sean Kiely (Bruff); Diarmuid Carroll (St.Senans), Johnny McCarthy (St.Kierans), Shane Gallagher (Ballysteen); Padraig Browne (Fr.Caseys), Stephen Lavin (Adare), Pa Ranahan (Ballysteen); Jim Oā€™Donovan (St.Bridgets), John Galvin (Croom); Stephen Kelly (Newcastlewest), James Ryan (Galbally), Seanie Buckley (Dromcollogher/Broadford; Ger Collins (Milford), Mike Crowley (Monaleen), Ian Ryan (St.Senans)

Subs: Mike Jones, John Cooke, Kieran Oā€™Callaghan, Pat Ahern, Dermot Phelan, Stephen Walsh, John Marsh, Andrew Lane, Lorcan Oā€™Dwyer, Eoin Keating, Micheal Reidy, Tom Collins, Gareth Noonan, Conal Oā€™Cruali, Darragh McMahon.

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Hard to get lads to commit for the year when thereā€™s very little reward on the pitch after it, a lot of younger guys that showed good potential evidently not bothered about itā€¦

Ryans star faded badly after his first two seasons I think he suffered a bad injury that kept him out ages and he was never the same.

Ah yeah, he was riddled by injuries in recent years but up to that he was a smashing forward for years.

Still think he could be a real asset with a good support cast .

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We have had three good u21 sides in a row, rattling Cork twice and Kerry. A win in those could have been a munster title which would have been immense, particularly 2016 when the squad was strongest and deepest.

Hegarty by all accounts was excellent for UL v UCC during the week.
Will Oā€™Donoghue & Kevin Moore were also senior quality off the 2015 side.

Cian Sheehan & Stephen Cahill off the 2016 side.

Tommy Childs, Brian Donovan & Hugh Burke off the 2017 side.

8 players there would be the base of 14 outfield for a side to at least win division 4.
(Richard Hayes & Andrew Ruddle are as good a pair of keepers as most counties have, although Donal Oā€™Sullivan is even better)

God yeah, even the radio commentary on 95fm that evening was fantastic, was it Liam Aherne? Talk about a fella kicking every ball

You can have nothing but admiration for those lads who kept plugging away with little prospect of any reward or recognition, just a pure love of it. Sad to see Ian go in particular as heā€™s only 28 Iā€™d say? Was travelling well for Senans last year too by all accounts, although as a back.

All the best forwards end up as backs