Limerick GAA - it's Box Office - Always Has Been, Always Will Be

Excellent report.

Gillane is the real deal. A real leader with an excellent hurling brain. Calm as you like, fast as lightening and hard as nails. Heā€™s going to be a superstar.

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My revised championship team Quaid, Hickey, McCarthy, English, Morrissey, Hannon, Byrnes, Lynch, Browne, Hayes, Nash, Hegarty, Casey, Flanagan and Gillane.

Gillane could be a hall of famer

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I would have Hegarty in the half backs for Morrissey and bring in Downes but would agree with most. You could play Dowling but only as a full forward.

It finally looks like we have a decent squad with options off the benchā€¦The only two question marks there are Hegarty and Flanagan ā€¦ Flanaganā€™s time will come. Hegarty is a back or nothing.

You can always carry one lad like hegarty in the forwards.

Yeah - weā€™ve done it for long enough.

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You said it. No one like him around the country at the minute, heā€™s head and shoulders above the crowd. Heā€™s a fucking monster! Weā€™re so lucky to have him, but not only him, Casey, Lynch, Morrisey, the Ryans Hegarty Kylfe superstar Hayes, the list goes on. Thereā€™s about 10 A Iā€™s in this team, our time has come.

Martin Kiely said Limerick were very unimpressive today and the second half was a complete non-event in his RTƉ radio match report earlier.

Do you really expect balance , nuance and perspective on this thread ??

Itā€™ll be a cold day in hell before he says anything positive about the Limerick hurlers.

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MArtin Kiely is a prick.


Didnā€™t Limerick put 7 goals past Laois away from home last season? They seem to be going backwards at an alarming rate under Kiely.

Laois have come on in leaps and bounds bro.


Liam Ahern and Dodge more or less said the same. Dodge was very disappointed and maintained a top team with real hunger would look to put 20+ past Laois. i.e Limerick are lacking a killer instinct

That looks quite decent. Plenty of spots up for grabs though, and hopefully some real competition for places.

I would worry that Byrnes and Morrissey as wing-backs would be more ā€œhip and whipā€ than being too concerned with letting the likes of Casey & Gillane get decent ball. But I do agree that they are the frontrunners for those positions and very likely will be playing.

Iā€™d like to see Nash get a game at full-forward against a decent team too, and maybe Morrissey at centre-forward. Iā€™d like to see Mulcahy get a start at some point in the League aswell. Not sure how long theyā€™re out for.

This season is a marathon not a sprint(look at Galway today!),save the goals for playing teams who are an actual threat to us rather than banging 6-7 of them against Laois.We battered the shit out of them last 2 years and failed to get promotion and we wont give a fuck if we beat the Biffos by a point next week if we are back in 1A when all is said and done.

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Wise words.

Galway are only back a week. I dont know if we have it on the side line, mate ā€¦ we will see. We have the makings of a very decent squad there now tho.

Scoring 6 goals against them last year did us no fucking good.

I thought we did fine today, there wasnā€™t much bite to the game but at least we were trying to move the ball properly. At this stage, itā€™s all about fitting into a rhythm and players sharpening their touch & fitness. It is nice to see some players put their hands up for a starting position though.

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