Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

They would be going stone mad Im sure!

As much as it pains me to agree with BmB it was Kiely who kept the trophy pal.

I’ve no doubt he could be right about that on the Wednesday evening but I’d very surprised if kept cup out of patrickswell on the Monday evening.

As I said above, I have no idea about anything to do with Patrickswell.

Looks we were all wrong. Batt the lad has a bad memory.

This was the post.

Indeed. Reading down through the thread is quite interesting, there was a chap called @anon25556527 posting that time, do you remember him? He says he was in the Cu and saw the cup, defends JP and all. Interesting reading.


Nope I’ve never heard of him. He’s having the banter with @glasagusban so must be a crown simpleton.

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A simpleton indeed, and now proven to be of dubious character.

@anon25556527 was a grand poster who started off well and got a lot of repsect but then he had a complete and utter mental breakdown and just lambasted all round him. He used to threaten to leave the forum and then come back a few days later. Id say the lad was taking all sorts

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Why are so obsessed with me you oddball.

That’s a flaking OOOOOOOFFFFTTT right there, a rebrand of the rebrand of the rebrand would nearly be in order, what a bullshitter :rofl:

I think that could be the final ooooofffftt even, it’s a swift killer blow. And you know I don’t even take any pleasure in it.

You haven’t a clue… It’s great to see the hangers on still obsessed with this.

And fyi… The Polak hasn’t the pulling power to call an omerta.


Wait but then…

Explaining. Losing.

I’ve explained nothing… You’re still crying about the blackout 8 weeks later. You and @backinatracksuit

I wouldn’t have called @Fagan_ODowd a snide cunt and put him in the same category as @Mac either.

We took away their fun. Boo hoo. Get over it suckers!!

To put an end to this, the cup was in Patrickswell for a night. Why does JP rile so many? The money helps. The gesture to the GAA county Boards was what it was ‘a gesture’. A few people getting excited with a man who has helped his county team financially. He has his photo taken with the team as main sponsor, at what will be one of the best known resorts in the country. It is not a big deal.