Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

Munster will be animal stuff next year.

You’re as likely to win Munster as finish bottom - that applies to all five teams.

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3rd in Munster would be ideal next year for whoever gets it.

Tipp and Cork will be out to bury us

I’d take it now. We need to win the games at home against Clare and Cork.

Tipp won’t like us going down there as AI champions. Sheedy will have them wound up to the nines

Cark wouldnt bury themselves the soft cunts.

Tipp will be very dangerous alright, but are likely to implode at any moment unless Sheedy culls a few of the head bangers.

Tipp next Friday in HQ is where it begins anyway.

Of coarse it was a mishit ffs


I was behind the goals sat next to Brent pope of all people when canning hit the free. It was a surreal few seconds. When kyle battered into Joe in the 1st half (but won the ball first) and galway got a free I had to explain my outrage at the decision. Brent is an alright sort btw

Brent was at the match with the lads from Noel’s menswear, himself and Brian made an odd couple at the bar in Gills


Did he have brian under his arm?

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Unreal. A sound skin

Brian was trying to get served, Brent was being pestered by some women

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I can picture that

I’d say Brent didn’t even look at or acknowledge the women.

That the small lad??

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He was very very polite

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Ya sound out same as Noel a gentleman!

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Agree with those views on Hannon