Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

Can you please highlight these posts or else delete your post where you accused me of abusing an underage player?

It’s just a statement of fact kid.

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Can You please remove your comment.


I saw it too but you are so quick to edit it’s hard to provide the smoking gun.

What comment? You regularly direct personal abuse at players. You have repeatedly referred to incidents involving underage players in an effort to disparage them.

I dont know the chap on a personal level but he filled his togs last night mate

Sign your name to that.

Can you highlight any of these?

I can if I want. I already said I’m not bothered trawling through your shite to find them.

You know my name.

It’s not fair on poor aul @anon32894817 for you to be throwing out these claims without the decency to back them up.


He should sign his name to these claims.

I apologise for any remarks but I don’t remember them at all. Particularly any comments about underage players.

Grace Vanderwaal?

I love the way we’ve deflected all the talk away from the league final. The trainings we’ve done through the private group for the younger lads are really working.


If you want to make negative comments about the personal character of an underage player in a club game you should put your name to it.


We’ve a league final imminent and therefore a starting 15 & subs to argue about.

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Anyone know what age @anon32894817 is, he’s constantly getting negative comments made against him here.

Sorry can you please clarify these comments. I apologise if I did make them but I don’t remember at all.