Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

correct. it’s far worse …

He’s an adult playing in a broadcasted game. I’m entitled to voice an opinion on the evidence in front of my eyes.

Put your name to calling me weak.

  1. Anonymous person online publishing comments about the character of an identified person.

  2. Anonymous person online making an observation about another anonymous person online.

Big difference.

You won’t put your name to it then. You bottled it. Shat yourself.

A sportsman in the context of the sport he’s playing.

I’ll bottle you, you little cunt.

He’s a limited human. No bit of character or backbone about him.

Henn or Glas?

I’m not anonymous, I’m fairly sure you know my name

From behind your printer I suppose?

I’ll buy you a bottle. You’re awful prickly.

I’m a pacifist and a physical coward.

Listen - can you admit you slightly over reacted and @anon78624367 can admit he was a tad ott on the player in question and we can all be spared another round of shite?

we’ve a starting 15 to argue about in the members lounge.


I’m Steven of the sexfaces. I’m sure Henn is a lovely young man

I’ve simply been reasonable and consistent and it has you driven demented. You can’t get your head around it.

It has in me bollox :rofl:

I didnt concur with Esta’s stance - I merely pointed out the player in question was an adult.

Now give over and move it to the private area.

Reasonable is lashing out at all and sundry because a NAP player was criticized?

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Since when are you all and sundry? I said before I’ve been quite consistent on this.

Very consistent and repetitive. You dragged another chap into it for no apparent reason. It’s admirable you’d go to such lengths to defend the honour of a clubmate.

Your pride in consistency is a bit bizarre lad.

Even the GAA rule book would agree that the player in question is fair game


If only Henn was as consistent as glas , NAP would be county champions this morning

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I’ve made the same point when lads have directed personal criticism of other players, particularly underage players. It’s not club bias.

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Wow. Now you’re blaming the player for the teams defeat. Kicking him when he’s down. That’s another new low for you. Big man.