Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again


An U21 player is not underage. U21 Hurling is Adult Hurling. Mainly because the players who play it are Adults for a start. They are adults in the eyes of the Association in which the game is being played. They are also Adults in the eyes of the law.

Continuing to claim they are ‘underage’ players is laughable and automatically loses the argument.


I got the curly finger at half time in a league of Ireland u21 match many years ago. Playing stink. About 5 minutes before half time some randomer in the crowd roars on to me, warm up kid, you’re coming off.

He should have been done for child abuse

Could you Limerick cunts take this to the PM thread so the rest of us don’t have to endure your childlike squabbling.

Are there any mirrors in your vicinity?


Surprised a Clareman has heard of a mirror.

That shouldn’t be your first reaction

This is a Limerick thread mate I suggest you fuck off out if it’s not to your liking!

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Fair enough mate, but ye have the PM group to air out grievances that don’t belong in a public forum. It’s unbecoming for the sitting AI champions and prospective five in a row to be reduced to this kind of child like banter. There was none of this kind of shite from Galway supporters in 2018.

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Good to have it cleared up anyway, I’ll take the silence and support to conclude that the Limerick supporters consider club players fair game once they reach the age of 18, or would you consider publicly questioning the character of somebody younger than that taking part in a hobby?

His character wasn’t attacked was it?

I knew it wouldn’t take long for Super Dad Ned Flanders to wade in here.

Like a moth to the light.


This thread has been about childlike squabbling since day 1 .

Ya ye have more posts whinging in here than on the entire Galway thread at this stage! :rofl:

Questionable temperament, shat the bed,

Those would fall under character in my book.
@anon78624367, this isn’t meant as an attack on you, I’ve a lot of time for you as you know, I don’t agree with your stance on this

Play the man as usual @dodgy_keeper :grinning:

He missed a couple of frees, big deal. It happens them all. Move on.


Weirder than normal carry on in here, mirroring the rest of the board.

True but we got two days deflection out of it.

Ye have @Fagan_ODowd bamboozled.

It’s fair to say, I’m none the wiser, as the man said.