Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

What was the team?

Should we all lump on Newcastle tonight so?

I did of course, I’ll throw some up later. Only thing is, first day out, the chances they accurately reflect the line is pretty slim.

Tbf we had to send in our team on Monday and with 4 or 5 injury doubts and late arguments over 1 or 2 positions, it’s very hard to pick a team that far ahead.

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They had Downes , Dowling, Boylan , D Dempsey and Peter Casey in the forwards with MIke ryan as the only non county senior
Alan Dempsey and C King Midfield
Backs included Mike Casey , Will O’Donoghue , Ronan Lynch along with Conor Houlihan , Mike Foley

They were missing Tommie Grimes and Adrian Breen
No ordinary club team will hold that crowd

Tommy Grimes was corner back

Jerome Boylan was missing.

Cathal King played centre back. WOD was midfield.

Kevin Ryan

Other than that… yeah


I was talking about their Intermediates who are playing NCW tonight. If a good few were burned…?

Yeah Jerome Boylan was missing. WOD picked up Barry Nash at centre forward. Not that it mattered as Liberties played him out around the middle and brought their full forward out the field so positions were fluid

I know. they have loads. They had more lads on the side line yesterday than Davy Fitz usually has.

No Program when I got there. Something Like.

Heaney, Casey, Foley
Lynch, King, Houlihan
Dempsey, O’Donoghue
Dempsey, Boylan, Downes
Dowling, Ryan, Casey


Did the Dow actually play in the corner?

So did Grimes not play?

And any subs, the likes of James O’Brien, Will Henn, Gordon Browne?

None of those 3 were brought on
Dowling did start in the corner but moved out and about.
Grimes didn’t start

Na P movement was excellent

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Dow was out around the half forward line mostly taking frees which there was a lot of.
No Grimes.
Pat Gleeson was the only sub of note I think.

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I’d be very tempted by 11/8 for NCW so.

I can only presume Grimes & Browne are injured to not have featured at all.

Gleeson, Ryan, Foley, Heaney, Houlihan would all have played Intermediate last year.

They’ll still have O’Brien, Daly, Henn, Shep and most of their 21s but NCW were pretty decent when I saw them.

NCW are improving by the year. I reckon they’ll get the win tonight. They’ve Shaun Browne back this year too, he didn’t play at all last year, he’d be a big addition

Browne is a good player alright, and Bryan Nix should be available too! They’ve probably always lacked top forwards but with the 4 Hurleys, Mike Mac, Nix and Jamie Lee, they should have plenty of fellas well able to take a score.

Doubt Mike Mac and Lee will be playing at all. There’s a move in NCW hurling towards playing players who are training and playing games with the hurlers and not just turning up for the championship, which was happening for years. Now unless those 2 have been training with them and putting the effort in for the hurling but in the past I know that wasn’t the case.

We played them in a challenge in absolutely horrible conditions and Mike Mac was there that night to be fair to him. Scored two goals.

Lee has hardly been training but there’s going to be some allowance for the county boys.

Do you fuckers not watch the promo videos by Sporting Limerick at all? - Young Grimes was on for NaP and said he was injured.

Ye loves yere county lads, spending weekends watching poor quality streams of club matches in tne hope that the county players don’t get injured :clap:

What kind of a person hopes any player gets injured ?

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