Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

What comments?

He claimed something about me abusing underage hurlers or something to that effect. Deeply disturbing.

You can’t even keep your lies straight for two posts in a row these days :smile:

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You must have a short memory.

Those aren’t comments about underage players. Try get a few days sober and you might be able to keep your lies on the internet straight.

You weren’t even man enough to apologize for your comments.

I am man enough to stand by my comments, they are true, no need to apologise.

RIP Limerick Hurling.

We got a decent year out of it at least. Pity all the same

The correct thing to do would have been to cancel all club championships. Or at least ask the players not to play in them, or if they did wish to play in them, to not go within 15 feet of a fellow panel member.


Has that approach worked in Laois in the past?

You should aim higher than Laois bro. But if we must, we went bananas after the big win back in 1915 and have never recovered. The lads whacked the fuck out of each other in the 1916 Club Championship, it was ferocious stuff. Ruined hurling in county for over 100 years.

@dodgy_keeper West Junior B against your crowd tomorrow night. Should be a cracker. We’ve had some right tussles the last few years.

All this season ticket talk has gotten me excited for championship. 1-12 there won’t be any shocks. Mike Casey merely has to prove fitness I assume. WOD/POL/Henley/Dowling/Boylan are the options between half back and half forward. I doubt any will start personally. The big Q is will it be Flanagan/Graeme or Casey joining Gillane in the full forward line. It looks like Graeme is nearly sure of his spot but I’d personally go Casey/Flanagan and gillane. I guess Casey doesn’t have the pace of Graeme which is handy in the Corner. So it’s a toss up between Casey and Flanagan at 14. All the experts seem to think Flanagan will come back in and play his role from last year. I was thinking the same until recently. Gillane is one of the best forwards in the country and the only thing kiely doesn’t want is him is double marked. So it might mean limerick play with 3 men inside more often or at least 3 men closer to goal than last season. Last year Flanagan was out around the area between midfield and the 45 a lot or running long diagonals leaving Gillane isolated. I wonder is Kiely concerned this tactic would allow Gillane be double marked this year. Teams might drop a man in a line to cover Flanagan and as opposed to a marked following him like last year. If limerick get Gillane one on one and playing at his best imo they’ll get out of the group. He has the capabilities to win games for us where maybe we aren’t at our best. We rarely have a forward like that.

I would start with Peter Casey at 14 and use Gillane as a finisher.

Kyle Hayes will be lucky to make the starting XV

Agreed. A very poor league.

I suppose he’s lucky that Boylan is a bit wet behind the ears yet and Kiely sees the Dow as a fella to bring on.

A beaten docket.

There might only be one change from last year’s starting team… wasted the league going all out … should have played 3/4 additional lads for the majority of it