Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

One of the relegation candidates.
Bruree or Cappamore


Ah right, that’s only for Premier, obviously there is an extra round of games to play compared to the senior & Intermediate. We’re out Sunday too against Pallasgreen.

Not sure why @anon78624367 wants Hayes dropped to be fair. He was suspended for his club last weekend too so could do with the games. Getting nervous about the cork game now. Going to be some occasion in Limerick. Probably the biggest since the 2013 munster final final.

You looking for a bit of attention mate??

@Watchyourtoes a friend was worried so:

It’s going to be epic. A 4pm throw in so town will be hopping all day. Good luck getting a pint in The Ardhu. LITGG will be absolutely heaving, I’ll hazard a prediction it’ll be played in crippling heat.

First game back as All-Ireland champions on your own turf against one of your biggest rivals. As the kids these days say “it’s gonna be off the chain, off the hook.”


I hope John kiely starts up a blanket media ban. I don’t remember any of the players talking much before the tipp game last year. In fact bar one or two players barely anybody gave any Copy to the media all year. We don’t need any distractions.

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cc @dodgy_keeper

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An auld bar in the LITPnnG would be a lifesaver. Caherdavin & the Ennis Road could do with a few more pubs, just to be on the safe side, for the Limerick Juggernaut

Which guy from the leader started acting the billy big bolox last year after the all Ireland semi final?

Got be with the Davin arms. A fucking Lidl it is now. A noble establishment (the Davin)


Hayes has to be dropped.

It’d be cruel to play him at this stage

A long summer off might reinvigorate his game

Hayes was young hurler of the year 2018, he can’t be dropped.

Nobody is undroppable but I’m surprised @anon78624367 and @anon61878697 are calling for his head.

Once he is fit he will be starting no doubt

I hope Tipp bate Cark and we knock the cunts out of the Munster championship early doors on the 19th of May. Ive the Monday booked off anyway.