Limerick GAA - knocked down, but will get up again

A belt from Kyle might be enough also

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I never noticed any of this assholery.

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Who’ll we detail to man mark Horgan? Sean Finn I hope. One worry I have is if the unthinkable happened and we lost two in the full back line who will cover after condon. A little birdie tells me dam morrissey has been training at 3 but I don’t like the sounds of that.

This post was in response to Chocolatemice, not your previous one applecrumble.

Morrissey has plugged the gap before and if he is training it might be just as an emergency… I like Finn or Casey on ‘Hoggie’ - They are both decent enough man markers… as ever, it’s about cutting out the service - if he gets good ball there’s little you can do with a forward of his class when he’s on form… Harnedy will look to have a bounce back game this week and will be dangerous.

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That’s very true about cutting out the supply. That’s probably counts against the Dow as he isn’t going to get up and down the pitch like the other half forwards. We need our half back line to sit in too. We can’t leave gaps between 3 and 6. Cork have targeted dan relatively successfully and I presume Lehane will mark him and cork will look to pull a corner forward out leaving space for lehane to run into and also allow cork use the diagonal ball to Horgan.

I think there’s a case for the Dow against Cark. But I doubt we’ll see him.

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Tipp bullied Cark off the pitch yesterday … Flanagan for me… let him do wreck.

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The chant is Limmrik, Limmrik


Ah stop. Every team needs at least one mullocker like Hayes.

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JimBob 2.0

Collopy Retail Inc driving the future of digital transactions

“The” Collopys??

One of those gangs anyways.

As in having no cash on the premises at any time?

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I assume the idea would be you have a debit card you can top up and use to purchase things in the stadium, how that ties in with the existing operators I’ve no idea. I cant imagine they’d be too eager for all transactions to be logged.

It is probably just a credit/debit card machine being available in the kiosk where the teas and coffees are sold.

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At least now you’ll have evidence in black and white of being taken for a ride on the price of a cup of tea at a sporting event.